Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Merry Christmas to Godfearers: Eat and drink with joy

Merry Christmas to all my viewers who accept my Christian messages. I do check on my Bible reading to quote on this blog and I like to quote my favourite passages which were in my past sermons. Thanks to all who accept my blog.

"Go eat your bread(and turkey last weekend) with joy, And drink your wine with a new heart,
For God has already accepted your works," From Eccesias. 9 vs. 7
The passage continues with annointing our Godfearers' heads of hair with oil.
Second on rejoicing and eating food with good drinks are God's gift to us after making us fear Him for our salvations is on Biblical Eccesias. 3 vs. 12 " I know that there is nothing better for them than to rejoice, and to do good in their lives. Vs.13 says " and also that every man should eat and drink and enjoy the good of all his labor, it is a gift of God"

Sorry to my optins labelled with Afganistan address. Read your Bible to eat and drink with good joy instead. I found two even have online affiliated bizzes. Do optin again without putting in the wrong country names because we are told that all enemies to USA will be jumbled up until the receivers cannot read anything. Merry Christmas to my known Cretans who went back to enemy countries. You can eat fish and chips on Fridays with all good flavors of milkshakes! The Traffic Exchanges can be racists but we eat good food, drink nice drinks and celebrate with good happiness, being Godfearers! Good blessings on my Aussie friend who has left for Texas to be a traffic exchange owner who is now giving many bonuses from his big fortune. He is a Godfearer who melted a golden idol to sell or sold it right away after running away from wild idolaters in the remote.

The Christmas story is reported on St. Luke Gospel chapter 2 vs. 1 to 21(7+7+7). Verse 21 proclaims the circumcision of Lord Jesus Christ whose name of JESUS was given by an angel before He was conceived in the womb.

On the following verse 23 is a saying to ponder when it comes to the orgies of next doors that are arrested for nazisms-terrorisms. The biblical statement is that "Any male who opens the womb, is considered holy" The festival of Christmas is celebrated by a sacrifice of two turtledoves/a pair of pigeons plus five golden rings from the true love of our spouse. Consumers spending of buying presents to loved ones or deserving ones of good behavior, are on now.

Another fav quote is from Jeremiah 13 vs. 23 'Can the Ethiopian change his skin or the leopard its spots' The Ukrainain terrorist next door has not returned since the fourteen days from the recent Republican Presidential Election. The terrorists have to know this God given fact.

Bang goes again from next door and followed by five minutes later, usually when I am about to post this blog, a great burst of temper on the adjacent walls and their blasting on thick furnitures. I hate all these harrassment from them and they still think that I can be subjected to thier torture anytime, anyway, anyhow, any protests, and anywhere. That is heathenism.

I leave this post with the computer tip of what is called a 'bang'. Bang means also splat:#!
A 'bang' path is needed for perl scripts to run on personal computer. This 'bang' path will not work on a web host. Change this path before you upload the script to the host.
The #! line set to the actual Id path to the perl.exe program on the system is #!C:\perl\bin

The second usage of 'bang' is in the php function of a loop to be 'is not' in the second code line for 'is' conditional coding.
Example: comments_status) && ('open' == $post->$ping_status))} //Both Comments and Ping Open
(! ( 'open' == $post->comments_status) (&('open' == $post->ping-status))} //Only Ping is Open.
Revelatiions 17 vs. 11 speak about the beast 'is' and 'is not' coming out from the abyss(for a short while) and will go into perdition. The nazis could be like this beast which is also called 666 for errors prone. Revelations 13 vs. 18 talks about the value of the beast and anyone following the beast has its mark.

Sigh, php errors for editing is 666 editing value permision and I think I watched in horror over the changing of servers with different versions 5 versus 4 of php. Nero died in Ad54 and he is regarded as 666 to the guilty conscienced Romans then and still today.

Exclamation mark in the computer programing is only an typo character to use. The third use of this mark is in hidden comments that can be seen on the webfiles. Like In php coding this coding is used for execution commands. ->

Fourthly, the usage is for the first placement of the webpage and absolutely needed code of:
Finally I deplore Mumbai bombing last week on augustus day of November 2008. Another dial M for cannibalistic murders. The Indians are rich with computer knowledge and skill. Money is M letter.

Sunday, November 9, 2008

Celebration of Rembrances 9 and 11 November, '08

Have a life and peace: May we remember all those who have fallen on the elevenses for the sake of others being Godfearers. The dead Christian soldiers died for the first fruits of God and we will remember them on Remembrance Sunday ie. 9th. and Rememberance Day the 11th. hour Godfearers on the 11th.day of the 11th. month of the year. They will surely have an incorruptible and eternal inheritance from the only God of the earth and the whole universe, the LORD of hosts.

For this occasional celebration, the Bible reading is taken from Prophet Malachi 2 vs 3: "Behold I rebuke your descendants, And spread refuse on your faces, The refuse of your soloem fasts; And one will take you with it." The Almighty God is telling the corruptible priests to give glory to His name. Alas, the nasties of the neighbourhood of mine do try to smear refuse on our faces especially in the supermarts and eateries. They have been experiencing them and give their punishments to innocent food buyers.

Rewards of Godfearers:
We read in Malachi 2 vs. 5 "My covenant is with him, one of life and peace, And I gave them to him that he might fear Me; so he feared Me." God Almighty says.

Read on Book of Remembrance on Biblical reading Malachi chapter 3 vs.16: "Then those who feared the LORD spoke to one another, And the LORD listened and heard them; So a book of remembrance was written before HIM." For those who feared the LORD GOD.

There is the great inheritance of Godfearers, good stuffs and health to us on earth as in heaven: "They shall be Mine" says the LORD of hosts. " On the day that I make them my jewels. And I will spare them" Great quote in Malachi 3 vs. 17

On Malachi 4 vs. 1-2, the biblical reading announces the Great Day of the LORD which is to me the Gift of the Lord Jesus Christ who will come back to avenge us at the Apocalypse lasting for 42 months of great fire on the godless and wicked.
The Day of Great Reckoning is on vs. 1 "For behold, the day is coming, burning like an oven, And all the proud, yes all who do wickedly will be stubble" Followed by the pronounced blessings of Godfearers, "Godfearers will be healed and go out and grow fat like stall fed calves. Also they will trample the wicked." The nasties of my neighbourhood are wicked with all their refuses and lies plus targeting humans unrighteously to death by infections and the lethal weapons.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Apocalypse' pic of terrorist now missing

Apocalypse To Avoid -1 Pic

Final picture of one terrorist from group caught next door to me. The pic is on the next post and he has probably left for USA to join his Ukranians counterparts who are only temporary residents in Arizona but have threatened to kill if the palefaced Mr John McCain failed to win the presidential race to a black senator now the future USA president. We saw an Ukranian man similar to the pic next post, on Australian national television and he plus others in the audience threatened terribly on Mr John McCain's defeat speech. I was the senator of the state of Nevada before I left USA for my safety and Mr J. McCain told me that he was blackmailed to do something and I to just watch the events.

The man in the next post pic, was the gigolo of the female terrorists next door and he bragged to me on several occassions that he is the ringleader of the terrorists. The authorites told me that he is left next door after the arrests of most of the female terrorists supporters living next door because he is considered 100%mad.

The terrorists live in several places in Melbourne on a rotating basis. The supporters are female and the male are their gigolos and enactors of their terrorisms plans. One male who is a cannibal because he is a godless creature by nature has been betraying the females and wants a bargain deal of freedom from punishment. This picture taken and posted in the next post is about the sexual cannibalistic gigolo who thinks he can do anything to the villa despite residential and body corporate laws on public safety. Considered 100% mad because of his moronic outlook that he is king without any remand coming for this dirty acts of sucking and licking the female supporters genitals according to their sexy parts locations. They often do sexual cannibalisms of these sorts in open view.

Examine for yourselves, both my local and outside Australia neighbours, the Apocalyptic punishment era of staying with such terrorisms. The patio has been rigged many times and fallen utterly and perilously on any outside the villas front doors. They have maimed a couple of postmen before with the collapsing patio beams that are constantly removed. The recent renovations have been done by the mad male gigolo with indoor smoothout with vanishes beams and also potted like the depth for outdoor plants in the soil.

Friday, October 31, 2008

Happy Halloween to all Godfearers.

Good greetings to my brethren who are Godfearers. I quote the definition of fear from the Biblical Wisdom Book chapter 17 vs. 12..."Fear, indeed, is nothing other than the failure of the aids effected by reason; the less you rely within yourself on these, it is more alarming not to know the cause of your suffering."
The next definition is from chapter 17 vs.9-11:
"Even when there was nothing frightful to scare them, the vermin creeping past and the hissing of reptiles filled them with panic; they died convulsed with fright, refusing even to look at empty air which cannot be eluded anyhow! Wickedness is confessedly very cowardly and it condemns itself; under the pressure of conscience the worse is assumed."
Read on the fate of the godless in Psalm 53 Vs 5 "They will be gripped with fear, just when there is no need for fear."
Further to my thesis that nazirites and posse are cannibals: Read on Psalm 53 vs 4 "Are they not aware, these evil doers? They are devouring my people? This is the bread they eat and they never call upon God."
To explain my previous retort on the 'nasties of the neighbourhood' experiences, Psalm 57 mentions of lions around my humble abode in a Melbourne city business district fringe suburb, that is traversed to and fro by a tramline number 57 aptly.
The lions are human cannibals on Psalm 57 vs.4 " I lie surrouded by lions greedy for human preys, their teeth are spears and arrows, their tongue a sharp sword." I also go to the city Cathedrals by the tramline as described Psalm 57 vs.9 "I will praise Thee among the people, Lord, I will make music for Thee among the nations." I sang and sometimes soley with the gift of God when there were Cathedrals in the city of Melbourne.
Read 1 Peter 5 " Keep sober and vigilant because your adversary, the devil which is on the prowl like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour".

Monday, October 6, 2008

BBB for relief is Bankrupt Banks Bailout

Apocalypse of the Great Depressions of 1873 and 1930 avoided on the Senate turning down the vote lead by a female Democratic Senator Nancy Pelosi whose first name at best denotes a tomboy or Eurasian of mixed descent to reject the bailout of $700 billion US of public investment banks. The dreaded number like those currently used by terrorists to bomb the rich public and prospectful people, that caused the rejection of the bailout is 23 greater than those in favour. 228 opposed with 205 votes for the bailout.

Concerned with not reaching the Great Depressions will avert the Apocalypse of no money to pay for anything. There can be no demand and the supply will be from brow breaking bankruptes at Apocalyptic Great Depression. The wisdom articles are from the Bible Ecclesiates 7 vs 25 to 29. Tell us the great large attempts to find out the wisdom of any matter and wise King Solomon could hardly find any. To regulate the Economy is needed with wisdom. "One man among a thousand I have found, But a woman among all those I have not found, Truly this only I have found that God made man upright, But they have sought out many schemes."

Also there was another 23rd.of the month September, 2008 planned night of violence with actual people killed by a gunman, in MetroBlue Los Angeles. You do not have to sell your soul to get to stay in L.A. and the souls should long to go to heaven and they belong to God alone, not even to tie to your spouse. Get married possibly and lawfully per blessings on St Mark Gospel chapter 10 because our one and only Saviour Lord Jesus Christ blesses us to beget in holy matrimonies.
The name of Lord Jesus Christ protects me from those satanists linked to terrorisms even on the internet with plenty of disgusted viewers. On a lite note the poor Italian nanny of the awful satanic boy next door actually yelled at it who insisted on her rubbing his genitals each time she is appointed to look after it. The next doors have bombed and attacked each others in their satanic frenzies. The plumber from the body corporate is reputedly a Christian fanatic and he was heard dictating his religious oracles at them. I heard his licking his chops next door when he declared that there will be no physical water to the satanists cum terrorists soon and "Anyway the water will run out right away" on sheer contentment note.

The local terrorists excreted on their naked backsides infront of my mailbox and probably like past observations simply used the bush leaves to wipe after excreting. The bush was planted by the nazis owners and it is called margareith or Jezebel. I merely went to my dumb sis's birthday at the Docklands with good seafarers and rich recuperators, bad and ugly gangsters offering arsenic to poison the top to bottom strip of restaurants, pubs, cafes, delis and kiosks.

Dial M for Cannibalistic Murders again. This time is on the Jewish New Year the 30th. of September, 2008 at Mumbai and it MMM code. There was a vicious blast at a market near a Mosque in Malegaon and then another in Muslim area of Modasa. The bomb blast killed 82 people and a second one later in Modasa killed a boy and wounded 9 others. The third letter 'b' code is attributed to a bicylcle gas cyclinders accidentally exploded. This is the second Dial M for Cannibalistic Murders and the first victim was from Minnesota, while attending the Beijing Olympics.

"V" is for five or Victory and thus I think there will be three more to come from the period of five months or six starting from the Beijing Olympics to the New Year 2009 that soon will be inaugurating the next US President formally in his Washington D.C. office.

Thursday, October 2, 2008

My detective info on disasters' numbers 100, 23 , 5 & 7's.

Disasters on Wall Street,New York on Jewish New Year 1st day, the 30th.September, 2008 and many bombings with panics causing suicides and deaths by anticipated turmoils in the Indian subcontinent,arose from terrorists causing disasters while following obsessively numbers like 100, 23, 5 and the 7's.

Dare to name firstly or by bulleting billboarding the Wall Street boards all collapse on the 1st day of the O.T. New Year, with Jews to be in charge of the stock exchanges of America. Apocalypse is excellently explained by Jewish scholars and is their niche in the temple of fame(King Solomon Temple for Yahweh/Jehovah only) This week leads to the Passover with Weeks Commenmorations on the 14th. day of the New Year. The number of metainformation of status quo is 777.

Briefly now due to constant ringing of the phone from next door 'princess' self declared only, I have been observed by reliable Americans friends who are only covertedly rich, that both sides of my villa unit are Huns/Nazis who are named by police to be serial killers by gas and machetes and terrorisms by bombings and satanic movies on the internet--
numbers 23 announced during the stock exchange for disasters of the stock exchanges esp. Australia following America, and 5% downfall in stock prices with 'inferior' Australia less than 5%.
number 23 of September received a spate of bombings especially 'eye for an eye' in Islamabad when the Moslems insist of break fast in Marriot hotel on a Saturday morning the 20th.September, 2008. The terrorists are also satanic, I myself have had handed over my movie proof to the police, and the Moslems in Islamabad have denounced the terrorists with the intention of stoning the devils worshippers for prooves of true God fearers according to the Koran.
The phone has been ringing incessively even when I tried to stop them still and I noticed the next door mad 'princess' of the Indo race to be breathing bad gas out of her window and the phone will stop for those moments. No human can breathe gas but constantly ringing even on pressing the receiver down is inhuman.
On the evening of the 22nd.September, 2008 that is the 23rd to the Jewish day, around 8pm, there was a gas bomb among the 4 gas cylinders of a nearby BoatHouse on the banks of the Maribyrnong River.
Coming to status quo of 100 that has been misused for razors and machetes flying off shelves and chillies bottles that have no status quo among food shoppers who are not fussy in their choices of sauces, there is a status quo of http hyper text transfer protocol of 10.1.1 100 Continue of the request of which the initial has been received but has not yet been rejected by the server. This computer status message makes the terrorists without any human(e) hope to kill or maim others spending $100Aus above their daily food and drinks requirements. We usually claim to hope for further income with our citizens' right to work or investments money coming in.
Australia is the fifth continent of the earth and we have dangerous fifth columns of Indos or nazisms which are claiming sovereignity. The mafias are like them. Veneral diseases are caused by their great infestations of germs, viruses and bacteria. Blood baths are inevitable when they have candidas albicans constantly oozing from their peritoneums or backsides. note the b.b.b coming out.

Vital Bible reading is found on Book of Wisdom, Ecclesiastes 12 vs. 13 "Let us hear the conclusion of the whole matter:Fear God and keep His Commandments, For God will bring every work into judgement, including every secret thing, Whether it is good or evil."

Monday, September 1, 2008

2nd.blog to my last on terrorisms & cannibalisms since of old

I survived the famine of China during the 50s and early 60s while I was the famine worker there with loyal subjects protecting me. Alas, famines or severe starvations like communities under sieges by their enemies always produce cannibalisms among the starvings. The deranged cannibals also attacked any rescuer who offered them food to eat by cutting them up like the incident reported in the North American newspapers on 6th August, 2008 and some days later too with pictures of the cannibal.

He was a Christian curator of the baptists denominations who are paid ministers. I received a phone call from this certain Pastor Vince Li a couple of years ago when he told me that the baptist church had forbidden him to eat any food. He was very hungry and even told me that he would attack the authorities who had had forbidden him to eat anything but he wanted his pay so he had had to suffer starvations.

There are also other reports on rebellion of very smart Christians of the baptist churches that they are told to starve so as to pay the ministers their demanded tithes for salaries. However the majority of the rebels ended in the news to be fighting pot bellies of overeating and the ministers are buddhas in their faith like quoting their prestigious 'bod4faith' according to Romans 12.

Are there any Roman Catholics in their faith? They do not accept the Nicene Creed on all races to be given Christianity when they demonstrate to be the Faithful Christians to God alone. The image ordered for all R.C is to slim down immediately when they are fat but they can eat something daily. My friends on the internet network are swell guys and gurls to inform me on these issues. At least one building of the baptist church in America was burnt down. There are three letter codes for terrorisms of BBB in these reports.

My own advice on my experiences on the internet announcing 'end of times are here', wellness has it that they come from South American jails which often set them free when they prove themselves to be repentant Christians. One admitted he loves to take the young gurls' money with guile. He and the rest of his jail mates maybe pretending to be christian ministers who always either demand or take by glibe talkings from naive or stupid people.

Read 2 Tim 3 on the perilous men of the perilous times called end of times predicted. "Men will be rebels to God and love money and themselves plus many more descriptions of men at the end times. "

Quoting two advisory passages from the alpha and omega, the Logos are: firstly on cannibalisms were recorded on Jeremiah 51 vs 34 on the fall of Jerusalem at the hands of the Emperor Nebuchadnezzar who was clearly a cannibal..."Nebudchadnezzar the king of Babylon,
Has devoured me, he has crushed me, He has made me an empty vessel, He has swallowed me like a monster, He has filled his stomach with my delicacies! "
Happy is on with my suburb at Ascot Vale and I could act happily with some neighbours today when they urged me on this post guessing on the topic that I would be posting now. The chaste hates the next suburb with their nazirites stand of posting their barely veiled genitals posings advertisements for all of the viewers to devour or digest them cannibalistically on their sexual parts.

Secondly, the advantages to be God fearers are according to Psalm 34 vs 7 ..."The angel of the Lord encamps around all those who fear Him, and delivers them. Vs 9 Oh fear the Lord you His saints! There is no want to those who fear Him. "
Angel means your own guardian angels like those around the many progenies of the famous love fight of Gallipolli where the Aussies braved certain death to rescue their mates. Some mutineered at first but turned up to the rescue on the news that their mates fell dead at first landing there into the deep blue sea. Manyof the second platoons also did not return home alive but the majority are sighted and experienced to be guardian angels.

Monday, August 4, 2008

Axis creating tragedies now

My interpretation of the terrible cinque(five) events that were coded by the terrorists to attack on the 23rd. week of this year. They are using BBB to viciously bomb place and people. Of course, you can quess they are using the number 23 from the Bible chapters and verses. They are indicating that they are cast out of God's Good Testaments for His creations' Salvations, by reversing the Bible.

The attack on the 23rd week 2008 that I listed in my last post is something the American journos are suspecting that the terrorists will be using the cinque events that are on for the next six months up to the USA President's Inauguration January, 2009, starting with the Beijing Olympics this month.

I predicted five terrible events of the October,2007 week of Federal Elections of Australia and Income Tax ordeals with the Axises in control of auditing etc. There were bombings for Melbourne that week but foiled by the police, by a hair's breath away.

Another clue to the terrorists plotting to bomb is due to their rebellion from God's commandment for Feast of the Trumpets that is begun on the first of the Jewish seventh month by having a special Sabbath. You can find the passage is chapter 23 vs. 23 of the Holy Bible book of Leviticus. Also all of Israel is saved on the 23rd of the same month by observing the Special Sabbaths of the said month. Thus, they reversed the peaceful Sabbath law to bomb on the 1st day of the seventh Julian calendar month of July, 2008 that is a Sunday rest of the 23rd.week of this year.

My biblical readings to calm your nerves against the terrorists bombing --clearly going to Bomb Victorian "goodstuffs and happy lives" at outer suburbans Bakery of pizzas, pies and Buns on 23rd.August, 2008--Christian faith is overcoming all fears for 2 Tim 1:7 says "God has not given us a spirit of fear but of power and of love and of a sound mind." We will not be mad like the terrrorists.
Secondly, I have the doctors' prayer for you: Jeremiah 17 vs.14-18 prays to God saying "Heal me O Lord and I shall be healed. Save me and I shall be saved, For You are my praise"

Sexual cannibalisms are also perfomed by the terrorists. The question is why their feuhrer came from a land of germs and more germs inflicted on humans beings. Sextan is the fifth day recurring fever reckoning even on the sixth. Sextane is latin for febris, fever. Stab you in the fifth rib is Biblical term to stab mortally. Watch now for the anticipated terrible stabbings/bombings of five events starting this Augustus month. Second World War was started by the Axis leader becoming mad and furious over a black man winning the Olympics in Munich.

Refer to my other blog that I described sexual cannibalisms that can be karma sutra to begin with their germs infestations orgies by Ayran descendants in India. Red turbans, they are called.
My blog link is http://www.chrislime.stumbleupon.com/

Frigs to be grigs for eating of genitals after stimulating with their wicked tongues and faces. All the nice trades who go around repairing and renovating places told me that for decades the Axises have been sexually cannibalistically eating their private organs. I also saw the Axises forcing male and females to eat their genitals in posh pokies clubs and the past like currently germs-infesting-behaviors of the sexual cannibals, are confabulating the rictus labias and penises to be ringent blushing corullas. If you are the unfortunate victim of the Axises, you have to make their rictus organs ringent with your precious tongue and mouth.

Plague ships of death have come to Melbourne and Sydney for our service to their sexual cannibalistic demands. Good nite for now and find a trustworthy medico soon.

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Best Blessings of Beulah for Canadians on 07/01/08

The Bible reading I have for Canada Day the 1st.July, 2008 is from Jeremiah 17 vs.19-27 telling us the eternal God's commandment to 'Hallow the Sabbath Day' by "Take heed to yourselves, and bear no burden on the Sabbath day, nor bring it in by the gates of Jerusalem," He says in verse 22: nor carry a burden out of your houses on the Sabbath day, nor do any work but to hallow the Sabbath day as I commanded to your fathers. In verse 23, there is the explanation of those who did not obey but made their ears deaf and neck stiff so as not to hear the instructions. Jerusalem was burnt out because of those (nazis) who did not obey the Sabbath rest for Jerusalem.

Beulah is the name of New Jerusalem which is the promise of God to restore for all those who believes and obeys Him. Best Blessings of Beulah from God is reversed alas to stand for BBB of destruction on anyone whom the terrorists hate like my predicted previously ( see my other blog posted last October/November on http://freewebs.com/doc356 ) of their terrible cinque(Italian for five) week i.e 23rd week of this year falls on 1st June, to 7th.June, 2008. They are Bad Barbarians Barr from Beulah by their Bloodbaths, in reverse of God's Blessings.

Here are the events that happened: On 1st June a Sunday,Universal Studios of America was symbolically burnt down with explosions at 2.30 pm. King Kong is the symbol of aristocratcy and it comes from cannibals islands.
The second of June is Italy National Day where the cinque comes into jokers BBB. Julius Caesar is against them and I am not sure whether he is that as much against the Replubicans of Italy.
On the 3rd.June, 2008 another BBB attack by the terrorists happen in Western Australia. A pipeline from the north starting from the nearby Island gas mine ending in Bunbury was explosed with a Bomb. A billionaire who is the richest man in Perth was attacked. Blackouts have been experienced for a long time and still there when the reports of the BBB incidents were given a month later. Baths are not taken as well due to lack of power.
On the 4th June is the celebration of the Battle of Midway on 1942 when the Allies (I think) made their 1st. victory on WWII.
On the 5th.June is the fourth event of the 23rd.week, 2008 that is our World Environment Day. Some nice world environmentalists slammed the terrorists for dirtying the whole of Collins Street, Melbourne when they acted as hairstylists in posh Sofitel that became condemned for a long time due to garbages etc thrown everywhere there. Candidas are only a few resultant diseases of the garbages of the terrorists in Sofitel and the whole area and the next streets were all condemned for diseases even of veneral diseases reaching the noses.
The fifth event is the D-Day of 1944, Queensland Day because our north was also bombed by the Axises, and the nice to Jews and Christians Sweden National Day.

Did you have a nice fireworks Day of 4th.July, 2008 weekend? Wishing all USA to have enjoyed their weekend without somnolent turkeys feasts, this season. Mine was rather lucky and I bought a graphic from Pogo.com with my winnings of 10K tokens and it costs 16K tokens.

Monday, June 2, 2008

BBB also Burgee of Blitzkrig in Brachi'stochron

Good livers to be gourmands and bon vivers to be living the lux. Condolences to Yves St. Laurent's passing away at only 71 years of age and he is commended for his lux female tux for all female shivering like catfish. Bible readings for people who love life and see good days are on 1 Peter 3 vs.10-12...Let him refrain his tongue from evil, And his lips from speaking guile, Let him turnaway from evil and do good; Let him seek peace and pursuit it, For the eyes of the Lord are on the righteous, And his ears are open to their prayers, But the face of the Lord is against those who do evil.

Here are the popular Bible phrases that the terrorists of the New York twin towers are using against the USA for their gold storage and human meat(I mentioned previously for this thesis of mine that the terrorists condemned by the only Almighty God are pyschotically reversing the Bible chapters and verses numbering 23 for their attacks) as follows:

Ezekiel chapter 23 vs 9 cites God's orders to the prophet "Therefore, I have delivered her into the hand of her lovers, Into the hand of Assyrians whom she lusted" The she is Oholah = Samaria = older sister = Her own Tabernacle

Ezekiel chapter 23 vs. 11 cites the Judgement of God on Jerusalem called Oholibah that is the younger sister of Oholah and Oholibah = My Tabernacle is in her. The reason is that "Now although her sister Oholibah saw this(vs9-10) she became more corrupt in her inordinate love than she, and in her harlotry more corrupt than her sister's harlotry"

Furthermore, the chapter of 24 of Ezekiel, concerning the Symbol of the cooking pot that signifies cannibalisms affected by the Almighty Lord Himself on harlot cities that are always lying even to the doggy eating world and the horrifying Pit, is on the ninth year , 10th. month and the 10th. day of it.
Plus the chapter of 26 Ezekiel also is the word of God to condemn Tyre that is the birthplace of the most wicked queen, Jezebel, on the 11th. year and the 1st.month.
The punishment of God is to be accomplished by the King of Babylon ie modern Iraq.

Melbournians have been tortured by women who vacuously attend the Church when they rub their uncircumcised parts because they said pirates and others of the Oholah and Oholibah tragedies only attack circumcised women.
If you watch these female frigs,
They can be part of blitzkrigs,
They recently formed a land end
Where Melbournians go to Bendigo bend,
May God be praised for these ditties,
To explain the nazis eat fleshy titties,
And, proof with nazis unaproof by Bluee,
To install the slaughter code of cannibals: BBB,
Instead telling us the Pope fleeing Germany,
For in boredom, the nazis have no genuflextory knee,
Hopes this "Dial M for cannibal Murders" is a story uncanny.

Thursday, May 1, 2008

Happy reading and prayer on Mayday.

Today is Labour day in Victoria, Australia,1st.May,2008 and at the moment police sirens are like the present customary shrieking loud and long at the possible terrorists rounding up. The terrorists have been making bombs and swearing at all those who are trying to work for their livings. I have been working and volunteering hard. Here's for our safety: 1Timothy 5 vs.17-18
"For the Scripture says 'You shall not muzzle an ox while it treads out the grain' Also from Deuteronomy 25vs4 and St.Luke 10 vs. 7 says "The laborer is worthy of his wages"

Prayer for us from Eccesiasticus 23 of the holy Jerusalem Bible : verse 4 quotes--
Lord, father and God of my life,
do not let my eyes be proud,
turn envy away from me,
do not let lechery and lust grip me,
do not leave me a prey to shameless desire.

BBB again reported for cannibals present code for attacks like yesterday news per aol.com news on the Basque Bar Bonfire that engulfs the entire block of buildings around Hollywood and Vine Street. I am acquainted with movie director George Clooney who frequents and used the place for movies like Ocean 11 and therefore it is only a food and drinks bar and restaurant.

The Biblical passage that the terrorists are using and in reverse comes from Eccessiaticus 23.
Verse 4 tells us about the terrorists (and all blogging networks of my applications ask me whether my blog contains pictures of the terrorists hidden nature that are now deemed profane)
There are two types of people who commits sin after sin and a third who attracts retribulations-desire, blazing like a furnace,
will not die down until it has been sated -
(furthermore, recent news of the incestuous Austrians fathering 7 kids with his own daughter for 42 years) - the man who lusts after members of his own family,
is not going to stop until he is quite burnt out,
every food is sweet to promiscuous and he will not desist until he dies.

Condolences to my nice and more than kind movie-town guardian: Monseigneur Charlston Heston and born corner office survival fame- Tex Carter
Lozences for those crying at Cryonics bitter,
Overwhelmed by so great and yet short-lived loss,
Reeling like movies montages at whence we same gather moss,
Maybe because Charlston is not crazy,
The Lord Jesus will forgive him while lazy,
Bless O God Almighty the attendees
With all their wholesome productive matinees,
Like and with the great Carter family,
Who obviously seek Thee in all homily.

Friday, April 18, 2008

Goodstuffs reading and beware of evil stuffs

Good reading from the Bible for Psalms 128 on Yahweh's Blessings on the God fearers called faithful is this Biblical reading: The Psalmist say there will be happiness and prosperity to all those who fear Yahweh because there will be our income from our labours on Psalms 128 vs.1 and 2. Internet Explorer recording of any loading of payment is at nil for me and maybe for thousands of internet laptop marketers. Internet Explorer of Microsoft Corporation informed me that I have several loadings of cash payment of my various receivables accounts on the internet but the accounts will be zero.

According to my memory of said and actual observances of a queue outside the posh Microsoft Arbitration Office in Singapore, there may be reimbursements of moneys not received by internet marketers at the office. News per tabloid previously informed the public that there are always been moneys payments not received circulating in the virtual world of online businesses. I guess the fiqures floating around virtually is about a billion dollars. Longest queue in Singapore Marina Place when the figures reach a trillion dollars, makes for the Guiness Awards.

On the 17th. of April, 2008 at AOL.com news, there was a review published by Denmark Cochran Collaboration organisation to the contrary of established Allies nations finding of wonderful cure of antioxidants for anti aging , brain disorders and cancer blood disorders. They tested on a lot of people by the numbers of 232,550 and reported about 180K people showed increase mortality instead.

However, the news quoted rightly on two health authorities who defended antioxidants to be instituted nutritional supplements for everyone. They are firstly a nutritionist, Mr Patrick Hartford, for BIO CARE labelled the review to be a stitch up( like Ali Baba & the forty thieves, I connoted) and Dr Micheal Sadler said Cochran review is flawed. I admit the ipsissima verba of the later is right on as follows: "Antioxidant is not a magic bullet and should not be computed to undo a lifetime of unhealthy habits"

The review was on antioxidants such as Vitamins A,C, E and Selenium plus BIOCAROTENE. Only selenium escaped condemnation by Cochrane Collaboration but the Collaboration reports it needs further testing for their proven increase efficacy of eliminating mortality. Selenium is a precursor of the masterantioxidant of brain disorders cure and it is the absorbable form of the masterantioxidant Glutathione. Happy discovery in the local Australian supermarts is among the fruit juices that now contain selenium.

Other forms for glutathione intake is from whey, brazil nuts and asparagus that is the cherished ancient cure for brain disorders like depressions, schizophrenias and manic bipolar brain disorders. Include antioxidants in your diet immediately if you do not , is the general advice of all reputable doctors. Antioxidants in safe intake and topical applications to skin also retards aging of the skin mantle.

Annoucing crossborders of repulsion by support staffs and internet marketers are due to perhaps mental illnesses or criminal minds of theirs. I am also a practising pyschiatrist with discussions of Meninger Institute in New York and my medical professors. We know that these staff and internet marketers are always ill in their replies and very bad in their outlook of deleting the database and blaming anyone who emails them for the reason on ethics,legal and moral grounds like not to be given conflicting contracts and homemade laws like no manners of communicating and picking every word of mine e.g I do not like your colloidal silver promotion. I have their nasty statements per emails as well and these sort of behaviours are recurring mondially among the violent mental ill.

A prank announced by website owners to get rid of nuisances of wanting to be distributors of greenwoodhealth that manufactures natural biophytos like fruits,roots,vegetable, some leaves , plants and marine extracts,-- invites you (&me) to my website given to me same day as the news report on www.greenwoodhealth.net/members/cl081364.html and my distributor right will be rescinded off the database on 1st.June,2008. One of the owners who is a socialite does not know how to eradicate errors of the websites hacking. Furthermore, they admitted to treat inquisitive members in such insiduous advertisment of dreaded product like colloidal silver, among safe health supplements.

Furthermore, I received an email to my protests on the offer of colloidal silver to us/public because it is definitedly poison, that the owner claims millions love to eat colloidal silver. Hardly true and also later the writer of the infamous joke of millions eating silver said that less than forty distributors among the two thousands and seven hundred paid members have bought something on their factory website offering colloidal silver among their other products. He implied that my downlines should be persuaded to buy despite my protests. I am a moral person and I look forward to meet my downlines online or in person unpoisoned.

Read for your comfort on the Holy Bible quotations: St. Matthew chapter 12 vs. 25 " A good man out of the good treasure of his heart brings out good stuffs, and an evil man out of his evil heart, brings forth evil stuffs.
Another quotation reflecting the same reading is from St.Luke chapter 7 vs.45.
Both scriptures attaches this statment with the above holy information: "For out of the abundance of the heart, the mouth speaks."

Before I end this post: The call of donations to the only legally recognised charity in Australia,"St. Vincents of Paul Society" is totally for your voluntary givng ! If Police is not so understaffed in Australia , they will be taking on thugs who ring up anyone unwilling for just $20 only. The charge is extortion.

I just had another very disgusting threat under the disguise of taped recorded background of jeering public to me if I do not donate to their requests. I get them even after the thugs see me doing some work for others like helping their victims or bringing goods from my own effort, of cargoes abandoned on the sea wharf.

Thursday, April 3, 2008

Dr Chris Lyme's discovery on her pet cats led to miracle cure of Glutathione!

Happy Day of announcing miracle cure of Glutathione, the master brain antioxidant cure of many neurological cells disorders like Alzheimers, Schizophrenias, epilepsies, Parkinsons, manic mood swings/madness , antideficit disorders and cystic fibrosis.

I had a peaceful day yesterday while waiting for the anxious moment of my old car fixing, after a tyre slash and crash on a very wet and sabotaged road with its equally nasty diabolical motorists on the 7th.day after the terrorists next door bragging to slash all tyres on Easter Sunday the 23rd. March, 2008. I may have a God-given article on Eyeties who are okay to me because of my affiliations at the local ethnic Euro-Mediterranean club, from the truthful reports of the local Italians of my car mending depot. Also they know or are too, despite Eyeties relationships, the grand and unique name of Machos/Male Chauvinists, which form my second articles. Starts off my rest of the seven in political and venturesome articles, I two-upped on the balance.

Another good news/miracle to save us from life in the balance, which I have been writing in this blog is that the police charged the terrorists next door in the form of Jewish law on Saturday last and Roman Catholic police charged them in both sexes representation on Sunday last.

I am Dr Chris Lyme who discovered a bug that was infecting my neighbour cats and my cats to be borrelia spirochete that is a bacterium that produces the master antioxidant Glutathione that brings relieve and cure infront of the physican promptly when either injected of administered in forms taken up from the gut into the cells.

Only GOD ALMIGHTY GIVE MIRACLES and I prayed for my discovery via the bugs of the pet cats of the master antioxidants for our excellent cure. Thanks be to only One who is Good and He is God alone. Read 1 Thessalonians 5 vs 16 to 18 of various Christian exhortations: REJOICE ALWAYS, PRAY UNCEASINGLY AND IN ALL THINGS GIVE THANKS (TO GOD) FOR IT IS THE WILL OF GOD IN CHRIST JESUS FOR US"
The therapeutic benefits are:
1.Glutathione acts like a sponge that absorps all the heavy metals in our cells and the whole waste will be rid off our body.
2.Glutathione helps to restore blood pressure to normal, and helps to relieve hypertensions and other cardiovascular disease.
3.Travis Flores claims in verified story that he is relieved of cystic fibrosis with glutathione.
4.Glutathione together with Carthami Flos in Chinese Kangen-Karyu enhances the activity of antioxidant enzyme in liver tissue and in kidney tissue due to the glutathione ingredients.
5. Toxicity to certain brain cells e.g. astrocytes are eliminated with glutathione when taken in properly like eaten in precursors form call N-Acetyl-Cysteine.

Friday, March 7, 2008

Happy for your salvation:repentance of sins accepted at Easter.

Further and maybe the last of this blog coming to an end, this is a 23rd.posting to Google and only two more to come. Further on my theory on terrorisms steming from disobediences of the rulers of Jerusalem & whole of Israel with Judah for twins sister:- do read Christian Gospel of St. Matthew 23 on the appearances of the SanHedrin who killed our Lord Jesus Christ.
Another chapter 23 is the final chapter of St. Luke from vs. 26 to 43 where both Gentiles & Jews crucified the Lord Jesus Christ who died in human flesh on the Cross of Calvary sometime at Easter date 1975 years ago.

Happy Easter wishes on Matthew 23 but vs 39 "Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord" From Psalm 118 vs 26 (26 is always a royal number pertaining to royalty alone) and we know that His mercy endures forever. He may forgive those who caused His crucifixion but in chapters like St.Matthew 23 the terrorists-like SanHedrin are not forgiven and I think they are not humans but genetically derived so-called superior species who can & will eat humans.

Warnings :found on suspected hackers, announced unpaid 'terrorists' in greenwoodhealth.com
an advertisement of 32 ozs. of colloidal silver that is to any moral medical doctor is pure poison to the advertised contrary statements. I heard only mongolians and associates take them like that. Morever, the malicious sabotage seems to come from Biblical text at Easter time of firstly "Fill up then, the measure of your fathers' guilt" on St.Mathew 23 vs.32 and then St Luke 23 vs.31 "For if they do these things in the greenwood, what will be done in the day of condemation?"

The Good News at Easter: Be remorseful and repent like the godfearer who was a caught and crucified criminal along with the Lord Jesus Christ at Easter, quoted on St Luke 23 vs 40. Another Bible reading on repentance is Amos 5 vs 4 & 5 vs.14 for Israel to repent is by seeking God and live, also seek good and not evil. God is the only good one and holy above all holiness. God so loved the world is to give His only Begotten Son to die for us so as to save us by His blood shed for us and broken body on the Cross while we celebrate our last Covenant of eternal Salvation through Lord Jesus Christ alone.

To denounce the terrorists attacking the twin towers on 9/11, they are defying God's Promise to restore the Tabernacle of David by His Might and Power over the impossibles. King David and his descendants will inherit the remnant of mankind and Christian Gentiles who are all called by God Almighty. Have a safe Easter 2008. I forgive you all for mourning truely at Easter and on the enactment of Calvary in Israel. I was captured on camera a few times on Calvary. My heart was broken each time but I have everlasting peace after that. Bible reading ref: Amos 9vs.11

Another warning for current Americans, inclusive dual citizens of both United States & Canada, all 100K in number will be flown in airbuses of 15K passengers in each batch of five airbuses that will be making five trips to and fro Gold Coast and the afflicted two cities of Melbourne and Sydney. Majority will be like me be put by air to Gold Coast and surrounds of Queensland, then out to Guam to serve at internet transmission and programs, mentioned in good possiblities.

Google advised me before to put warnings of such kind and I will be ready for 5K visitors at this blog that was rated by a personnel in charge of rating traffic. Will post my sermon on the mount to the five thousand at Paradise named after surfers. Take heed for your salvation to come:Paradise with the Lord Jesus Christ's Promise. from vs.43 End of physician St Luke Gospel

Saturday, March 1, 2008

Diatessaron & diastase for goodintake of nutrition.

Diastase is an enzyme of catalytic activity to breakdown our starchy foods into cell-nutrient glucose. I recommend the total enzymes needed for your indigestions experiences and lethargies on eating your meals of phytobioforte super consisting of amylase, lactose and lipase.

Another healthy word from the Bible is my diatessaron on Godfearers duty and the explanation of disobedient terrorists globally sponsored by castouts of Zion because of disobedience for not observing God' s law of Sabboaths.

Like the four enzymes we need for our wellbeing: Hebrew 4 vs. 4 ...And God rested on the 7th.day for all His Works and again in this place they will not enter My rest(taken from Ps95 v.7-11);
Matthew 10 vs. 27 to 32...JESUS teaches us to enter God's rest;

Also Luke 12 v.4... JESUS teaches us to enter God's rest again by fearing God.

Finally, Mark 4 verses 1 onwards tell us about the Parable of the Sower of God's Words to us among perennial types of hearers. Cannibalisms will attack you like birds at the seeds sown and you will be eaten by the carnivorous creature on verse 4.

Another explanation why the terrorists chose 9/11 to bomb New York twin towers is the reaction of castout nazis to Chapter 4 Hebrews 9 There remains a rest for the people of God.
vs. 11...Let us therefore be diligent to enter that rest, lest anyone fall after the same example of disobedience.
The nazirites are now all cannibals and in utter darkness.
Read Hosea 2 vs.23 quoting Jezreel, God will sow, said, "Then I will sow her for myself in the earth, And I will show mercy on her who were not my people, And they shall say,'You are my
GOD!". People who are godfearers from all over the earth and hence call themselves now Christians.

Saturday, February 23, 2008

Happy Blog

I had a Happy St Valentine's day on the 14th. February 2008. My tech mate just let me online on my kindlier condolences and collaboration against his corner office evil legacy of attacks firstly by American natives, then cannibals of the Carribean with pirates looking for she-Christians nationalities, and of the Pacific cannibals, finale now of she Goliaths wanting to have orgasmic sex when the techs want only a quiet cup of tea only instead. Incidentally this sort of nasties has been shown in movies on New York Italian immigrants complaints of homosexual attacks on themselves and they cannot have any nice spouse or sing hymns in Church.

I refer the Bible reading for right emotions of St Valentines on 1 Tim 1 v. 5 Love is pure, comes from a good conscience and a sincere faith.

To clarify my boosting in Christ Jesus's gift of eternal life for me is Psalm 41 and the Lord's Prayer: I am the director of the only Christian charity in Australia thus I am "Blessed are they who help the poor and helpless The Lord will give them and preserve their life. verse 2 says They shall be counted happy in the land, The Lord will not give them over to their enemies.
And if they are sick on their bed, The Lord will sustain them: if illness lays them low, you will overthrow it" I donated with successful results of my antibodies against excretas bombing from the sky by convicts negroes from New Orleans with their stockpile of excrements.

Monday, February 4, 2008

Good readings

Good Bible reading from Ecc.11vs1-5" Giving a serving sevens'(777) & eights'(888) for you may never know the days be evil." Cast your bread on the waters and you will receive sevenfold is another gambling on faith of prayers to the Almighty God alone. Giving to the Lord Jesus Christ who is called the eternal good 777 to the Hebrews and 888 to the Greek Orthodox. A pizza makes a good food present to be shared among the friends because pizzas are each cut into 7 or 8 pieces.

Most importantly, when I was a very young child during the 1950's, I was participating in the 777 or 888 Good Savior festivals of having Passover Celebrations of Unleaven Bread of the 1st Jewish month to the Feasts of Weeks, followed by Feast of Trumpets, and Feasts of Trumpets, occuring on the first of the 7th. month, tenth of the month which is the Day to Atonement . Both the 1st and the 10th. day of the 7th.month are Sabbaths. Also the 15th day of the same month is the Feast of the Tabernacles which is also a Sabbath followed by 7 days of feasting with burnt offerings and the 8th day is a Sabbath. I was offered to eat the burnt offering after the sacrificial offering by the priest and I remembered the meat and wine were delicious.

Of course each household has to bring in the fine flour to be burned as sweet aroma offering and wine of a quarter of a hin with a lamb, two lamb or seven lambs that are all first year without blemish. The animals sacrifices offering are given among the AM/God's assembly of people there. A sheaf of the harvest in Israel is also waved over the offering and that will be the eating of our bread and other harvest produce after our burnt offering to the Lord God Amighty alone. My participations in the Israel give me everlasting self-esteem when I have to face animosities from self fashioned preaching of God's laws and these sort of people even brag that their requested offering for their salaries will break my carcass backbone. Chine for a religious Chime!

Gambling can be investment especially you have your benefits coming due to the activities. Also giving a serving of 7's and 8's too is liken to the example of a pizza cut into 8 pcs that is the etiquette cutting. Can be stingy not offering all your guests 7 out of 8 pcs of your pizza whatever the size. I personally eat with friends only and I was told it is a good old custom to do.

Great ghosts on this year coming likely another September 11th. bombing for it is seven years since 2001. Sevens is another name for seventy weeks prophesied by Prophet Daniel who alone will escape God's cleansing of the Temple and Jerusalem that houses His Holy Tabernacle. I read with understanding and cherish the advice of wisdom of the Apocalypse predicted on Daniel chapters 9 to 11. The final chapter indicates that the end times will occur with holy people of the Middle East containing Israelis, Christians and Moslems. The holy people contain Indo-Iranians called the nazirites/nazis of brown eyeballs and jet black hairs. They do anything like blue contact lenses even behind their myopic glasses and bleached their hair to their roots to appear blonde king kongs while they shrink out of very bad meals.
A Hymnal of Faith: is from Habbakuk 3:17... Even the figs do not blossom,and even there are no fruit on vines , also there are no cattle in the stalls etc. rejoice in the Lord God still.

Ecclesiastis 11 vs 9 Seek God early in your life. "Rejoice O young man in your youth, . . Walk in the way of the heart and in the sight of your eyes .. But in all these childhood and youth, you will be judged by God. These youth things you possessed are all in vain. The terrorists reversed the Bible here again by making all the young to escape but not the old. But I being involved with Chaplin Mikhail who was the hailed hero of the whole tragedy, said my prayers which I believed were answered. Chaplin Mikhail was a friend with clergical interests of the armed forces including the fire men. Hail means Long live Mikhail.

Good stuffs verse on 1 Tim 4 vs 4 "For every creature of God is good, nothing to be refused, if it is received with thanksgiving". The Good Shepherd tells us to eat everything sold in the markets and certainly not humans because in Ally nations have prosecutions on cannibalisms.

Another verse is Matthew 12 v. 35 "A good man out of the good treasure of his heart brings forth good things and an evil man out of his evil treasure brings forth the evil things."

verses on cannibalisms for disobeying the Sabbath law: The good Lord Almighty ordered us on the two tablets given on Mount Sinai to Moses that one of ten commandments is to rest of the Sabbath to be holy. Bible reading on Exodus 34 and 35.
Also reminded us again in Levitus 26 vs. 29 to keep the Sabbath holy by resting.
Consequences of disobeying the Sabbaths are cast out of Zion/Jerusalem on burning to cinders, the aristocrats of Jerusalem called the nazirites/present day nazis were turned to soot and referred to blackness forever and also the compassionate women have cooked their children for food. Read Lamentations 4 vs. 8-10.

Sabbath definitions are found in Leviticus 23 vs 3 . The Sabbath is on the 7th day of the week after working for the first six days of the week. I think it can mean for Godfearers to rest on Tuesday when their working week starts on a Wednesday.
The festivals of Passover with folllowing seven days of Unleavened Bread during the 1st month and the '7 weeks plus 1 day Feast of Weeks' with the 7th. Jewish month of Day of Atonment are the only special Sabbaths ordered by the LORD but the special Sabbaths are for Israelites in the Promised Land of Israel which is existing even today. I am now Diaspora because of the massacres in Israel.

Sabbaths means they are soloem rest and no work is to be done especially bringing in and out of their houses and into the Temples of God a heavy burden. The Sabbath is by the Lord in all our dwellings.

God's Words on humans health-Happy Day

Since this blog describes God fearers' health: the Happy Day is described on Old Testament Malachi 4 vs 2: On the Great Day of the Lord(& forevermore days) the proud/wicked will be like stubble burned in an oven, But to you who fear My Name, The SUN OF RIGHTEOSNESS shall arise with healing in His Wings and you shall go out and grow fat like stall-fed calves!
Again, on our 2nd. and final Testament on St Mathew's Gospel 13 vs. 43 for godfearers who are righteous and not wicked and proud: Then the righteous will shine forth as the sun in the kingdom of the Father. He who has ears to hear, let him hear!"

Meanwhile fat is called flesh not be be eaten or flayed from the bones that the rulers(nazirites) of Israel have been doing. Doctors are concerned with fat unremovable from depositing on liver & other vital organs and the fat should not be from overeating and overimbibing of alcohol.

Funny farm signs are on my affiliate of health products though for unpaid volunteers ruining the websites there.

Raving knowledgeably at the next suburban chemist of the detox and redox substances plus the latest aspirin for antibleending and pain of heart sufferers resulted an acknowledged affirmative to my job one day a week in the same chemist. Survived Eyetie that is why.

Read: Bible reading to save us and for our health "Jesus Christ is the LORD of the Sabbath" and "Jesus Christ is the Son of Man who is the Lord of the Sabbath" St Luke 6 vs.5 and St Matthew 12 vs. 8 Further is my point here about our necessary rest one day a week because of Sabbath reading: Jesus is the Son of Man given independently on another Scripture writer St. Mark 2.vs 23 to 28. Vs 28 says Sabbath is made for man and not man for Sabbath
JESUS CHRIST gives true rest and explained on St. Matthew chapter 11 25-30.

On 1st april, 2008 the local newspaper informs of the local terrorists, all involved in New York twin towers and others bombing, have been throwing beer cans homemade of explosives molotov cocktails at the local folks who oppose them, banged pregnant smallsize defenceless woman for her money bag and baby she is carrying and letter box bomb of teenage boy. These murders are according to code of BBB of the terrorists whom I overheard in Melbourne.

Also I witnessed as usual darklooking male and female throwing invisible razors that were collected by them after left in a pile at the supermarkets injury scenes, at the chicken truck driver to eat presumably and according to the testimony of the driver instead of the chickens on the way for our local takeaway delicious & prestigious meals.

God's Words on humans health.

Research debates on stem cells taken from our human bone marrows and embryonic cords are currently on this season 31st. Jan., 2008 to March 2008. From what I read online there is much to find out and I remind you that with references from hospitals from the western coasts of Victoria, Australia show death resulted from transplants of stem cells into the brain & heart.

Thus, I have the Bible reading on stem cells call blastocysts which are found replicating in our bone matrixes to note: Eccesiastes 11 vs. 5 As you do not know the way of the wind(spirit) Or how the bones grow in the womb of her who is with child, So you do not know the works of GOD who did make all things.

Stem cells researches have a long way to go for transplanting into other organs than the bone marrow of those who have dead bone marrow cells.

The second important Bible readings/God's Words to us on His humans health is according to my medical baccalaureate practices: Genesis 1 vs.30 describes God created all mammals to eat greens -- called green herbs --"Also, to every heart of the earth, to every bird of the air, and to everything that creeps on the earth, ...I have given every green herbs for food"; and it is so--GOD says.

Without eating your greens or insufficient amounts of greens will cause colon cancers in particular plus weaknesses that can be avoided by listening to God's information on His creation's eating habits. Animals eat greens naturally and men should be able to find our digestable and nutritive greens. Developing countries should find out their greens to grow and eat them. Once they are naturally eating the goodstuffs, they will be richer for health gives prosperity on ability to acquire skills and working abilities.

Inaddition, cannibalisms are caused by God among kings and their peoples when they eat socalled delicacies that are poisonous like beetles, snakes and a lot of meat produces hyper proteinamias.(our refugees in Australia have been proven in hospitals to develop diseases out of overeating meat.) Read Daniel 1 vs 12 where Daniel and his three friends were shown to King Nebuchadnezzar and his chief steward to be more healthier in countenances and bodies on eating veggies and water instead of the King's delicacies and wine. The differences were proven in ten days. HOME to Eat your Veggies.

Monday, January 21, 2008

Happy to be healthy reading God's Words.

I donated my bone marrow cells while I was in hospital research and other duties. Also my antibody because the researchers found only in Christian women (ewes to me) and I am the only one around with Christian ministries in the pews of the local Cathedrals which are now and always under attacks from nasties including cannibals disobeying Exodus 23, Deuteromy 23, Psalms 23 etc. Och from me and other donors I came across. Another passage from the Holy Bible for Jewessess e.g. who will not attack me further with great pain: HEBREW 4vs.11 - 12 "for the word of God is powerful, and sharper than any two edge sword, piercing even to the division of soul and spirit, AND OF JOINTS AND MARROW, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart."

Bear with me while I read further on the findings on Stem Cell research. The good news is also that bone marrow reproduction is successful on transplanting others' replicable bone marrow cells for many without any good bone marrow cells left or cancer of the blood system.

Goodstuff and healthy-happy life.

Warning on stem cell therapy and advertisements on stemcells of bonemarrow for replication of other body organs. The reason is that bone marrow stem cells research is ongoing research to further test the functions and applicability to humans. Therefore, the local hospitals and abroad have to revive those taking stem cells therapy for other organs than bone marrow reproductions of naturally occuring red blood formations and some limited bone and cartilages replacements.


Friday, January 18, 2008

Happy to be healthy for God fearers: Happy Day

More on the nasties of my neighbourhood: young brats acting like demons with glasses cupped over the neighbouring wall of my villa to listen and taunt on my perpexities on my deskwork. Their usual taunt is that I like most of my race am rubbing my genitals while taking in their good looks and fortunes. In my youth, I held another student of the female gender when she and her friends were taunted like me now and of course I tried to comfort her very hurt feelings of demonic regards as ugly Asian like they rubbed their genitals, panting for white males who will oral sexed their equally ravishingly beautiful, intelligent and all the worldy goodstuffs possessed white females. My formerly nice male cleaner does not think all white females are that greatly endowed or beautiful because of his own white wive.

I had had just been awarded my much cherished Baccalaureate of the ultimate prize of medical surgeon and therefore my own hospital/research KINGDOM. Kingdom is commonly attributed to all graduates of the medical fields. My first born twins are still considered to be without sexual intercourse and the much no-no talk of sex inductions, and they were also approved on my holy matrimony to my actual king of Scotland. Therefore I was big to comfort her and the rest who were taunted so nastily. Beware of being beautiful because the males may raped beautiful females. Melburnians just shuddered at 500 overly semented at foetus level youths causing 20K dollars of damages to the police alone. Do not forget that males discharge greatly at beautiful women/wives. My nice volunteer recently said to me "beware then"

Sunday, January 13, 2008

Unhappy BBB recorded

Condolences to Madam Benavir Bhutto death by bloody bombing. The next door inhabitants proclaiming themselves to be she nazis are declaring BBB for this female head of Pakistan. I am upset over such bombing inclusive having spoken to the late Benavir Bhutto before of their intentions. They consider me not a enough she to eradicate except to be in their court indictments and police scrutinies because I am an Eurasian who because of the race factor to be beneath them and therefore I am to be blamed for their white mischiefs even of BBB eradications.

My Hollywood relatives have again endowed me with lavish presents of full-length cashmere coats of the latest haute couture, classical American haute boots, round the world holidays cum movie makings (In London the movie is about 1788 notorious but renown riots, Malaysian smart alecs are claiming doctors of all sorts, shapes and studies to be behind all riots) and good regards.

Saturday, January 5, 2008

Happy Blog and lots of Holidays for rejuvenation.

Having a happy festive season with recommendation for better health not for Victorian combastic orgies of my neighbourhood: Cure your liver cirrhosises and glycosurias and cardiovascular diseases including high blood pressure by taking L-arginine and citruline amino acids lacking in such diseases.

Chaste Victorian rule is to use this health supplements of amino acids flushed with sexy nitrous oxide when impotent and married plus fat alcoholic. The filthy orgies depicted in my local neighbourhood while everyone chaste pursuing their own income or honest productive work, are from Nazi lands.

Everyone chaste are hiding from three quarters billion Australian dollars stolen by immigrant Nazis from my past boss's finance company, to pay for gigolos male and female seducing the local Victorian gamings venues. Plaques ships have been coming for orgies. Malaysia and Singapore have quo que quo suceeded in driving these badies away. Nine skinny Malaysians won the Guiness Award of squeezing themselve in a Mini Minor. Typical Malaysians and Singaporeans!

So much for the financial advice requested from me: I paid the most taxes in the 20th.Century and won the Guiness Award according to reliable resources and able to rescue my boss's money of one quarter billion out of one billion dollars stolen by the Nazis immigrant business women.
I married a king because I am descended from King David and King Solomon. Good News; my boss and the other wonderful Ally veterans are winning the fight against the Nazis in Melbourne. All sorts of varieties of marriages but we will win with the Almighty God help for He is all Good.

Note: from 2008 is evacuation of all USA and Canadians in Australia to the Gold Coast, Australia and also Guam to work on the internet for all those young and internet savvy.
I have a technician friend by the name of Rodney,
Some terrorists in suburbs with banners of BBB have been forcing sex off this friend's kidney,
He and I have been praying to God instead of money,
There are worst than levithans with heavy spews instead of honey
Every day and everywhere they spell and act profannies
The awful drama with and without their fannies.