Sunday, January 13, 2008

Unhappy BBB recorded

Condolences to Madam Benavir Bhutto death by bloody bombing. The next door inhabitants proclaiming themselves to be she nazis are declaring BBB for this female head of Pakistan. I am upset over such bombing inclusive having spoken to the late Benavir Bhutto before of their intentions. They consider me not a enough she to eradicate except to be in their court indictments and police scrutinies because I am an Eurasian who because of the race factor to be beneath them and therefore I am to be blamed for their white mischiefs even of BBB eradications.

My Hollywood relatives have again endowed me with lavish presents of full-length cashmere coats of the latest haute couture, classical American haute boots, round the world holidays cum movie makings (In London the movie is about 1788 notorious but renown riots, Malaysian smart alecs are claiming doctors of all sorts, shapes and studies to be behind all riots) and good regards.

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