Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Happy lives with good stuffs on Valentine's Day.

Happy lives on Valentine's day is with your one and only true spouse who is given by the Lord God Almighty.
Contented with good stuffs given by quotation from the Holy Bible: Songs of Solomon 2:3 of "I sat down in his shade with great delight, And his fruit was sweet to my taste. Advise by lady in love on 2:7 (2+7=9),

On 2:7 (2+7=9) quotes "I change you, O daughter of Jerusalem, By the gazelles, or by the does of the field, Do not stir up nor awaken love, Until it pleases."

The terrorists sponsors, mainly nazi females of the next doors to me, are like those caught in Europe for centuries to be secretly sodomising with horses, gazelles, does, goats, foxes etc. in the fields or stables. The next door old female nazis forced themselves on young men to give themselves fornications for days.

Songs Solomon(S.S) 2:9(2+9=11) Sanctified spouses by right reading is "My beloved is like a gazelle or a young stag. Behold he stands behind our wall, He is looking through the windows, Gazing through the lattice."

However the blasphemous nazis like those of my body corporate have committed so much sodomy with animals and young males that the lattice fences have been rottened down with unremovable stenches. My part of the villas fence was found okay and could be reused by astute local young male detectives.

I write here a poem for now on Valentine's Day 2012.

I have my love,  Locksley, likes roses in red,
For he aims to carry our king size iron bed,
Alone here, because he is in the army,
Forces into war,  to fight the swarmy,
Luckily, I won to keep our ages old steward,
Loves want to  bestow me the duchese sard,

There is a shire Locksley  at Down Under,
The armed forces  cannot make a blunder,
Sherwood was lost again  by genes of retard,
In 1785 riots with pardons, by report of bard,
Though  my second mother-in-law,
She and her group go paw in paw,
She left her Duke to steal my thunder,
Since  for thrice marry to put asunder,
Thus, my cousins are not heads of dunder.
Nice Gordon said  trades plan to  plunder!

Love may go in the front door,
However, it does happen to some,
When poverty and illnesses come,
Love goes out the back door.