Monday, February 4, 2008

Good readings

Good Bible reading from Ecc.11vs1-5" Giving a serving sevens'(777) & eights'(888) for you may never know the days be evil." Cast your bread on the waters and you will receive sevenfold is another gambling on faith of prayers to the Almighty God alone. Giving to the Lord Jesus Christ who is called the eternal good 777 to the Hebrews and 888 to the Greek Orthodox. A pizza makes a good food present to be shared among the friends because pizzas are each cut into 7 or 8 pieces.

Most importantly, when I was a very young child during the 1950's, I was participating in the 777 or 888 Good Savior festivals of having Passover Celebrations of Unleaven Bread of the 1st Jewish month to the Feasts of Weeks, followed by Feast of Trumpets, and Feasts of Trumpets, occuring on the first of the 7th. month, tenth of the month which is the Day to Atonement . Both the 1st and the 10th. day of the 7th.month are Sabbaths. Also the 15th day of the same month is the Feast of the Tabernacles which is also a Sabbath followed by 7 days of feasting with burnt offerings and the 8th day is a Sabbath. I was offered to eat the burnt offering after the sacrificial offering by the priest and I remembered the meat and wine were delicious.

Of course each household has to bring in the fine flour to be burned as sweet aroma offering and wine of a quarter of a hin with a lamb, two lamb or seven lambs that are all first year without blemish. The animals sacrifices offering are given among the AM/God's assembly of people there. A sheaf of the harvest in Israel is also waved over the offering and that will be the eating of our bread and other harvest produce after our burnt offering to the Lord God Amighty alone. My participations in the Israel give me everlasting self-esteem when I have to face animosities from self fashioned preaching of God's laws and these sort of people even brag that their requested offering for their salaries will break my carcass backbone. Chine for a religious Chime!

Gambling can be investment especially you have your benefits coming due to the activities. Also giving a serving of 7's and 8's too is liken to the example of a pizza cut into 8 pcs that is the etiquette cutting. Can be stingy not offering all your guests 7 out of 8 pcs of your pizza whatever the size. I personally eat with friends only and I was told it is a good old custom to do.

Great ghosts on this year coming likely another September 11th. bombing for it is seven years since 2001. Sevens is another name for seventy weeks prophesied by Prophet Daniel who alone will escape God's cleansing of the Temple and Jerusalem that houses His Holy Tabernacle. I read with understanding and cherish the advice of wisdom of the Apocalypse predicted on Daniel chapters 9 to 11. The final chapter indicates that the end times will occur with holy people of the Middle East containing Israelis, Christians and Moslems. The holy people contain Indo-Iranians called the nazirites/nazis of brown eyeballs and jet black hairs. They do anything like blue contact lenses even behind their myopic glasses and bleached their hair to their roots to appear blonde king kongs while they shrink out of very bad meals.
A Hymnal of Faith: is from Habbakuk 3:17... Even the figs do not blossom,and even there are no fruit on vines , also there are no cattle in the stalls etc. rejoice in the Lord God still.

Ecclesiastis 11 vs 9 Seek God early in your life. "Rejoice O young man in your youth, . . Walk in the way of the heart and in the sight of your eyes .. But in all these childhood and youth, you will be judged by God. These youth things you possessed are all in vain. The terrorists reversed the Bible here again by making all the young to escape but not the old. But I being involved with Chaplin Mikhail who was the hailed hero of the whole tragedy, said my prayers which I believed were answered. Chaplin Mikhail was a friend with clergical interests of the armed forces including the fire men. Hail means Long live Mikhail.

Good stuffs verse on 1 Tim 4 vs 4 "For every creature of God is good, nothing to be refused, if it is received with thanksgiving". The Good Shepherd tells us to eat everything sold in the markets and certainly not humans because in Ally nations have prosecutions on cannibalisms.

Another verse is Matthew 12 v. 35 "A good man out of the good treasure of his heart brings forth good things and an evil man out of his evil treasure brings forth the evil things."

verses on cannibalisms for disobeying the Sabbath law: The good Lord Almighty ordered us on the two tablets given on Mount Sinai to Moses that one of ten commandments is to rest of the Sabbath to be holy. Bible reading on Exodus 34 and 35.
Also reminded us again in Levitus 26 vs. 29 to keep the Sabbath holy by resting.
Consequences of disobeying the Sabbaths are cast out of Zion/Jerusalem on burning to cinders, the aristocrats of Jerusalem called the nazirites/present day nazis were turned to soot and referred to blackness forever and also the compassionate women have cooked their children for food. Read Lamentations 4 vs. 8-10.

Sabbath definitions are found in Leviticus 23 vs 3 . The Sabbath is on the 7th day of the week after working for the first six days of the week. I think it can mean for Godfearers to rest on Tuesday when their working week starts on a Wednesday.
The festivals of Passover with folllowing seven days of Unleavened Bread during the 1st month and the '7 weeks plus 1 day Feast of Weeks' with the 7th. Jewish month of Day of Atonment are the only special Sabbaths ordered by the LORD but the special Sabbaths are for Israelites in the Promised Land of Israel which is existing even today. I am now Diaspora because of the massacres in Israel.

Sabbaths means they are soloem rest and no work is to be done especially bringing in and out of their houses and into the Temples of God a heavy burden. The Sabbath is by the Lord in all our dwellings.

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