Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Independence Day of USA has good stuffs and happy lives.

Good stuffs and happy lives are planned always for the celebration of Independence Day, the 4th.July. The first President and General of USA had had instructed turkey for the Holy feasts of the Second and Final Testament in the wake of the Old Testament Holy Convocation of eating bloodless meat and mild drinks to be  on the celebration day of the 4th.July. Turkeys for USA feasts are now produced in Australia.

Al Qaeda in the wake of the WWI and WWII has celebrated their blood feasts on the 100th year since the 28th.June, 1914 when the eastern European barbarians used a teenager to shoot to kill the Austrian-Hungarian Emperor and his wife. The local nasties despite the moral lessons to refrain from the cause of mass killings of the world wars have produced bastards who are now joining Al Qaeda training camps. When I was a travelling doctor of Australia wide, I came across the local nasties mainly the bitches who chew humans genitals and scrotums and their bastards living in the remote. They were threatening for more than 2 decades since to kill us.

 The 100 dollars criteria on the amount spent at the local shoppingtown which is the largest one in the state of Victoria, for slewing off the limbs and heads comes from the aryan indo root=nazism=WW111 by Al Qaeda. 100 is a blessed lucky number and is better luck next time when the number does not turn up at gaming. The reason is that God has made the number to be blessed. Play the sedulous ape in feasting turkey for our reckoning on the Blessed Second and Final Covenant for all Godfearers in the form of Christianity. But not to reverse the Bible Holy Inspired and Historical Records of God Almighty Salvations for His sinful human beings since Adam and Eve ate the forbidden fruit.

I have a sermon against the ex governor of Victoria, Australia because he ordered animals sperms injections into our brain boiled females now called bimboes. A well respected Duke of North England has kindly informed me the  fact that many British females mate with animals. In Australia, one main cause is depression from uncaring and difficult husband with using the furs and tails to brush their genitals.

This ex governor also does not accept the Old Testaments to be from God Almighty. I have the good stuffs and happy lives on being adopted by the line of David and then the loving Ebionites. I am an Israel's princess who is given facts of the subjects treating their royalty. Just live happily and well without any presents and money aids from the subjects. The nazis killed the Diasporo Jews for their money from the given reports of many.

I quote the last beautiful and loving poetry of King David which the nazis are reversing currently.

2 Samuel 23 vs.2(2+2+3+2=9) "The Spirit of the Lord spoke by me, And His word was on my tonque."

vs.3 "The God of Israel said, The God of Israel spoke to me:'He who rules over men must be just,"

2 Samuel 23 vs.4(2+2+3+4=11) "Ruling in the fear of God, And he shall be like the light of the morning when the sun rises, A morning without clouds, Like the tender grass springing out of the earth, By clear shining after rain!"

Dial M for Murder of Melburnians for the entire city centre has been bombed even the University of Melbourne where it houses the ex governor of Victoria who only knows how to revenge himself with the forced injections of animals sperms into infertile females who wanted to know what would happen to them if they do not produce their children in the capacity of the female gender function.

USA's healthy Biblical Words digestion of 4 different Books of both the Old Testament and New Testament is quoted here from one of the four, following my previous explanations of the diate'ssaron on the Wisdom of God for His people on Ecclesiates chapter 8 vs. 9 to 11.

vs.9 "All this I have seen, and applied my heart to every work that is done under the sun. There is a time in which one man rules over another to his own hurt."

vs.10 "Then I saw the wicked buried who had come and gone from the place of holiness(present day is the Vatican City) and they were forgotten in the city where they had so done. This also is vanity."

vs.11 "Because the sentence against an evil work is not executed speedily, therefore the heart of the sons of men is fully set in them to do evil."

I am surrounded by evil neighbours who were mostly  jailed for murders and serial murders. They and jihads(meaning had gees/gods in reverse) insult the only God of the Universe and Earth. Most of them are not apprehended and I am attacked by them using their moronic plans of assaults.