Saturday, December 1, 2012

Merry XMas wishes of good stuffs and happy lives.

My brothers at Walt Disney company and I wish you Great cheers for Xmas 2012 holidays.

Joy to the World the Lord Jesus Christ born Emmanuel for all Godfearers.

He is the Word from the Beginning to the End.  Mr Chris Stevens on the 9/11 attack this year at Benghazi was probably rescued according to the Mediterranean Godfearers there who accepted Christianity by the 12 apostles of the Lord Jesus Christ.  I know this because we discussed about the matter of  prevention of  fire-bombing and shooting foreigners especially the US embassy, a couple of years ago. The hospital is for the diplomat and house clinics are for the body guards who probably have been given guns to shoot back at the militants.

There is a code of the terrorists bombing again at New York City and along the coast stopping north of Florida on 29th.October, 2012 that is the usual Michaelmas Day for our love to give to our brothers. A couple of nazis have informed me just after the 9/11 attack of 2001 that they are the ones to ride the torpedoes into New York City Harbour and to produce tidal waves and storms to ruin the city according to code 9/11. Some of them have always informed me of their perpetual mass massacres on the whole earth and the reasons are revenge and envy.

Their code probably is like the following and with the Bible readings that they are using and in reverse:

First bombing is 9/11 on 2001
Second and recent one is 11 years since on 29th.October, 2012. 6+6+6=18 days + 11 days of September =29
Third one then is likely on 1st.October, 2023 (1+1+0+2+0+2+3=9)to Armistice Day of the 23rd year of this millennium i.e another 11 years to come on the 11th.November, 2023.(1+1+1+1+2+0+2+3=11) Psalm 23 is about the Lord Jesus Christ being our Shepherd and we will not want/covert anymore.
Another day of the 2023 that is likely to be chosen for The Death Day to the Allies is 16th.November 2023, for the total comes to i.e. 18days from 29th.October. and 1+6+1+1+2+0+2+3=17;  6+17=23. The 6 comes from the offering orders for the Feast of Trumpets on chapter 29(2+9=11) on vs 1-6. The 6th verse explains this feast offering is additional to the daily offerings.

The Bible readings they pick on could be from Exodus 2 vs. 9-11 where the terrorists are gnashing their teeth at Israelis from escaping through the parting of the Red Sea and their fellow countrymen who are now Christians. I had a blessing for my good stuffs when I fasted to celebrate Yom Kippur i.e. the first month of the year, Abib because all Diasporos Israelis have to celebrate the Passover.  Beware of fermentations in our foods and to abstain fom the flavours enhancers are the Passover observances currently.

Second Bible reading comes from Deuteronomy 33 vs 18(1+8=9) Moses' blessing of happy lives on Zebulun tribe, 'Rejoice, Zebulun, in your going out, And Issacar in your tents!'

vs.29(2+9=11) 'Happy are you, O Israel! Who is like you, a people saved by the Lord, The shield of your help, And the sword of the mighty! Your enemies shall all submit to you, And you shall tread down the high places.'

Please note the '!' usually denotes info to people who are not there with the speaker.

Third reading is from Biblical book of Numbers chapter 29(2+9=11) vs.1-6 on the offerings at the Feast of Trumpets. Grain offerings are divided into 10 parts and vs.6 is about the sin offering of a kid that Christians do not have to pay and on year 2023 the code is 10+6+2+0+2+3=23 together with Numbers chapter 11 verse 11 for the 11 of the 11 i.e. Armistice Day 2023. Similarly to Inheritance Laws of Chapter 27 vs. 23 that is about the inauguration of Joshua who was/is the excellent victorious general in battles and all Israel shall not want anymore.

Merry Christmas to you all who reads this blog.  If you understand this presentation, you can have my type of police detective job.  I have been trained with both Scotland Yard and my US cousin Batman's department in the deciphering of criminal code for the apprehension.

If you visit my blog of there are free downloads of XMas articles and recipes plus discover my good deed of advising on how to create a blog/website for good stuffs and happy lives.

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