Sunday, April 1, 2012

Easterly reason for your good stuffs and happy lives.

Good stuffs and happy lives come to all Godfearers after repentances to  the Good Messiah Lord Jesus Christ at this Easter or  the next if you have the life to do so. Today, Fiji has been hit with tsunami floods and the nasties of the neighbourhood - likely to be cannibals - have attacked them while they are weakened with their floods.

God saves Australia for our good stuffs and happy lives! Pray to Him alone to save us from the launching of missiles  to blast in our Pacific Ocean during and after mid-April, 2012.

Prediction of the Messiah was given on Prophet Jeremiah 23 vs 1-8. On verse 6 the Prophecy was about the Lord Jesus Christ coming to us in human form and who died in obedience to the Almighty God but rose from His grave in 3 days time. Verse 6 declares Him "The Lord Messiah Our Righteousness"

The nasties of my neighbourhood i.e. the nazis used Biblical chapter and number of verses for the bombing of the 9/11 twin towers. 2+3+6=11 and 1+8=9  They pour coffees on their computers after failing to perform any computer programing.

My good stuffs and happy lives are depicted on my recent photo of my Royal Marine Chapel on the first floor of No.1 Spencer Street and the whole building with its front green lawn and well paved steps, was at the aspiring corner of Spencer and Flinders Streets. Trams, rails and roads criss cross there. The stairs from the front lounge that belongs to the tenant, Lady Fairfax, look like my ancestor Jacob's ladder/stairs to Heaven.

The Messiah calls the sinners and taxcollectors to repentances. Do seek righteousness in the Way, Truth and Life of the Good Shepherd whose death on the Cross so many centuries ago on 33 AD for His believers' eternal lives is being reverently remembered and preached.

St.Mathew Gospel chapter 12 vs 9-11 instructs us that the Messiah is the Lord of Sabbath because He heals on the Sabbath.  The wicked authorities of Israel then perform circumcisions for money with selling/buying in the House of God on the Sabbath.

I was healed physically with the Holy Communion at St Paul's Cathedral, Melbourne, when the Cathedral was not invaded like now.  The Holy Communion is the rememberance of the broken body and shed blood of Lord Jesus Christ at His Cruxificion in the form of broken bread and wine.

The Good Lord Jesus Christ is remembered to be Son of Wisdom/Ben Sira. Proverbs 8 vs9 to 11.
Almighty God instructs us that Wisdom excells:

vs9 They are all plain to him, who understands, And right to those who find knowledge,

vs10 Receive My instruction, and not silver, And knowledge rather than choice gold;

vs11 For wisdom is better than rubies, And all the things one may desire, cannot be compared with her.

I wish you good stuffs and happy lives on your repentances to God alone right now.

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