Thursday, December 1, 2011

Happy Lives at Christmas 2011 Rest.

Goodstuffs and happy lives with Christmas tree.

Right reading of God's Words to us at this seasonal post comes from Zechariah 9 vs. 9+11 This prophecy was fullfilled on the Birth of the Lord Jesus Christ. It foretold "Rejoice greatly, O daughter of Zion! Shout O daughter of Jerusalem! Behold, your King is coming to you; He is just and having salvation, Lowly and riding on a donkey. A colt, the foal of a donkey."

Remember 9 Hebrews vs.11, "But Christ came as High Priest of the good stuffs to come, with the greater and more perfect tabernacle, not made with hands, that is, not of this creation"

"So, we wil wait eagerly for Him who will appear a second time, apart from sin, for salvation." i.e. at the Apocalypse.

When we celebrate Christmas now, God's Words to us on Revelations 2 vs.27 and Psalm 2 vs.9 have been coded to be 2+2+7=11 and 2+9=11 also 2+7=9 both recurring. "He shall rule them with a rod of iron; As the potter's vessels shall be broken to pieces". The occults/terrorists abused themselves according to this goodstuffs readings.

I wish you who are Godfearers,a healthy Christmas 2011 . On Revelations 2 vs.20-22 talk about Jezebel and her worshippers/followers will be thrown into sickbeds. I am constantly lied to and spoken in reverse by many of the locals and public servants. They always act and speak in supercilious fashion. One of them even referenced my file to be 007/888 and with my lady luck fate, I have been requested from a nice sane hardworking lady to be my friend on social Twitter network.

3times a lady is not 3times Rev. 2.22 which is God's Wrath on those liars whether females or males.

Warning for all local, advised by Legal Aid Community Centre which allowed me in because I had had helped the poor people by defending them from assaults when I came across them--the ex Real Estate agent has been and just today again since closing time yesterday sent me a demanding file attachment that is likely in their past fashion to contain Trojans and Blackholes containing local pornos.

November 23rd, 2011, was an awful day imposed on me with an inadmissible lawsuit against me by the trades of the ex real estate agent and the real estate agent on the amended lawsuit for not paying the trades when it is lawfully required for any agent to pay their trades first. A nice Oriental male checked for me on the results of the Justice Department of Victoria court decision and was happy to declare to me that I won the case because they would not send any reconciled rental statement.

Every online income that I been reckoned to have had obtained has been libeled to be prostitutions. Next year, I shall go into Wisdom and Way for both rich and poor people. I conclude here that there are not many Christians here and around the Globe.

Save Santa for he is a Christian.

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Revelations of cannibals code BBB & "M"4"Capital Murders"

Today is Melbourne Cup Event that is an International Race Day. Cannibalistic codes of BBB, US citizens' embus code of 555 and Dial "M" for Terrorists/Cannibals at Capital Cities of Letter "M".

I quote Revelations concerning the iconic pics of the downunder armies at Melbourne Royal Arcs i.e. they are Gog and Magog on the Day of the Lord's final return on Rev. 20 vs 9 & 11.

vs.9 "They went up on the breadth of the earth and surrounded the camp of the saints and the beloved city. And fire came down from God out of heaven and devoured them,"

vs.11"Then I saw a great white throne and Him who sat on it, from whose face the earth and the heaven fled away. And there was found no place for them."

Enjoy the great strength of the Aussie dollar at the forex on earth, but if anyone sponsors terrorisms with the highly priced Aussie dollar, the sentences are mandatory deaths.

Secondly today, I saw the code of 555 that is an indication for US citizens here to be scarpers.
On both Race 2 and 3, they were likely to be fixed beforehand for the astounding win by the impossible chasing from way behind to top at 2-3 lengths away and the hackneyed horse constantly leading the race to the finish post. 2+3=5

Thirdly, on race 5, the winning horse was number 5 and the payout was $5.00. The winning trainer initials for his name id is M.M. This M.M. indicates terrorists/cannibals attacks
on capital cities around the globe.

Next Rev 21(7+7+7) vs 9 & 11 are on Beulah for the described New Jerusalem which is the Bride of the Bright Lord Jesus Christ. Alas the terrorists/cannibals have reversed the brand new future for Christians/Godfearers.

Finally, I must come to the requested Bible teaching of Rev. 22 vs. 9&11 from the cleaners at the Melbourne Cup. They were very depressed by the filthiness left there for the last several years at this Cup day, and probably they are still cleaning at this moment. The cleaners are comforted that the plaque formed there are from idolaters with their gold and silver to hurt us.

Rev22 vs. 9 quotes the Angel of Apocalypse when St John wanted to pray to him , "See that you do not do that, For I am your fellow servant, and of your brethren, the prophets and of those who keep the words of this book. WORSHIP GOD. "

vs. 11 "He who is unjust, let him be unjust still, he who is filthy, let him be filthy still; he who is righteous, let him be righteous still, he who is holy, let him be holy still"

Live your happy lives on the Apocalypso when there will be plenty of evidences still shown.

I am writing here a poem after being convinced by the reading of the Day of the Lord Jesus Christ announced on Isaiah 2 vs. 1-23. I refer that I saw for a long time of the races to be likened to Isaiah 2 vs. 7 "Their land is also full of silver and gold, the land is also full of horses, And there is no end to their treasures." God's Words to us here is the future destruction of such people who are idolaters.

Watch the International Race Day to the finish,
Melbourne Cup is for US to eat takeaway fish,
Current cuisines are the tarts type like quish,
We must wear street wise clothes with polish,
My good stuffs clothings are white for a swish,
Short bird plumes printed dress is the relish,
Crowds are eating some foods of the fetish.

Most of the locals and I are watching the Races on Channel seven,
Except for inflicted belly wobbles, Love does come from Heaven,
To Heaven thus, our human's loves should be returneth,
Because, our $500+$500+$500 expenses are spurneth,
There are many females in frilly,
Posing to be everthing that is filly,
Better protect the young men silly.
Dresses up good is my boss,
He willingly wears hat to toss,
Wills me an "A" to be good stuffs "ish"
To all those who like my say,
Thanks and a good stuffs day.

Saturday, October 1, 2011

Bombastic Black Hats/Bonnets causes need of goodstuffs and happy lives.

To be or not to be: From Romans 12 vs.20 "Not to be haughty but Gentiles to be Godfearers!

BBBs here and Wall Street, NYC are creating their neighborhoods in need of good stuffs and happy lives. Early in the morning for the past fortnight since 9/11 anniversary of the 10th there were blasting off at my side of my backyard fence and double recession from Wall Street, NYC.

The evil doers of 9/11 bombings are reported by the authority of US defenses to have bombed in Afghanistan instead, on that day. The Good Shepherd and Messiah has protected His sheep from AlQaeda by the death of more than one Answar whose name is for screwing backsides even though this punishment is claimed for revenge and not for pleasure. At this time of posting, the local Annual Agricultural Fair, with heavy rains, is shelling out insults. The local sodomites have taken over the broadcasting with their frequent screaming of blasphemies at Christians.

The a.i.r (aryan indo root/race) has had blackmailed all internet users with bombastic black hats/bonnets on the phone, mail, social networks and url surfings with rampant breaking off the browsers to lock us into their pornographic blackholes. All my programs which I personally vouch for their integrity of products on sale have been done away with this heavy phishing of the urls and websites offerings.

My law abiding neighbours and I are all in need of goodstuffs to eat and for our happy lives. $35 per food mart trip is condoned only and riots have been threatened if anyone breaks the rule. I am allowed in to buy variety with pushing up the 'allowed' purchases monetary amounts.

The good Lord Jesus Christ has promised to protect His human sheep from tuppings and jemmies beheadings on Micah 2 vs. 1 (21=7+7+7) "Woe to those who devise iniquity, And work out evil on their beds! At morning light they practise it, Because it is in the power of their hands."

Micah 2vs3 is carried out "Therefore thus says the LORD; Behold, against this family I am devising disaster, From which you cannot remove your necks, Nor shall you walk haughtily, For this is an evil time"

The local red heads who are identified to be Edomites are not allowed to buy the local supermart groceries especially on the given discounts albeit for the aversion of locals turning into cannibals. The redheads have had always refused to work for a living, know nothing much about the computer and they are not God fearers.

I am allowed in by the mighty fighting youths who will do everthing in their powers to drive Edomites away. Edomites stand for the bad browsing breaking up from the server language 'ajax' using electronic document object method of online communication. I have done my share of working on computers and I look forward to happy lives while working at the local mart online screening to entertain the youths.

Finally the picture is of a famous and pioneer horsebreeder from the family of Hawks who has given all including my guardian at singing in Las Vegas, Frank Blue Eyes Sinatra, the order to walk on waters when we stay in Melbourne, Australia which is the end of the world. I have walked apparently on the flooded piers and on the rivers with Brachiosaurus/Nessie for a water taxi/ambulance.

Be a God fearer! Proverbs 15 vs. 33 tells us that the fear of God is to have instruction of wisdom. And before honor is humility.

Zephaniah 3 vs. 7 quotes that God says "Surely, you will fear Me, you will receive instruction--so that her dwelling would not be cut off."

Mathew 13 vs. 23 "But he who received seed on the good ground is he who hears the word and understands it, who indeed bears fruit and produces: some a hundredfold, some sixty, some thirty."

Thursday, September 1, 2011

God's Words to us to save from terrorisms-codes of BBB.

Announcement of the Royal Marine Top Admiral of Australia who has been since last year shelling out rapid ammunitions cannons at enemies coming into our shores: A Chinese top admiral whom I have met before, is seeking revenge on his cannibalistic capture by the West Pacific Islanders. Australia is Eastern part of the South Pacific Islands. My Godfather of my chaplaincy of the Royal Marines of Australia is the Top Admiral. He informed me that the Chinese Admiral was gambling very expensively and lost more heavy than any of the high rollers. Both of us think that the Chinese Admiral is now getting back his money by attacking the West Pacificians who are now very poor. This Chinese Admiral has shown us his fangs of his mouth for the revenge currently occuring near us.

We quote the Bible reading of Proverbs 30 vs.11 "There is a generation whose teeth are like swords, And whose fangs are like knives, To devour the poor from off the earth, And the needy from among men."

Psalms to Praise God rightly. Psalms 9 vs. 11 started off the BBB code of the terrorists/a.i.r/nazis because they prayed to the devil called Baalzebub with 3B's which cause them to be super egoists like adolf hitler who ranked himself equal with God Almighty who alone dwells as King of Beulah/Zion after the final coming of the Lord Jesus Christ who is the only Son of God and the Messiah.

"Sing praises to the LORD who dwells in Zion! Declare His deeds among the people."

The nazis/terrorists are cannibals instead in accordance to Psalm 14 vs 4 "Have all the workers of iniquity no knowledge, Who eat up my people as they eat bread, And do not call on the LORD?"

The next door to me are now facing the death penalty for sponsoring terrorisms. I saw them handing thousands of dollars in cash and cheque to the other next door to be terrorists. The remaining next door who took the money are being captured by the police and they just attacked me with the garbages again. I quote for our Godfearing knowledge to not to be like them.

Romans 6 vs. 23 "For the wages of sin is death, But the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our LORD."

Read on 4 Romans vs 9 + 11 For the Blessedness of Abraham, King David and all who believe in God Almighty that is faith while still uncircumcised. The sign of circumcision is a seal of the righteousness of the faith which Abraham had while still uncircumcised.

James for Jemmies Merlinos who is the relative of the next door terrorists sponsors has been suspended again for he repeatedly offensively screamed during State Parliament of Victoria sessions. His balding head and name indicate the cutting off heads and limbs locally. The name means deadly assaults and a sheep's head as food.

2 Romans vs. 23 " You who make your boast in the law, do you dishonour God through breaking the law?"

The terrorists sponsors are mainly females around this neighbourhood. They used codes of BBB noted in Wall Street, Bull and Bear Boards of money that has been flooded again and this time is on 23rd. August, 2011. 2 + 3 = 5 that is a number revered by Philistines who are living also in Victorians hills on the outskirts of Melbourne which are notorious of their poverty. My friend Mr Jeremy Warner has the facts against the next doors for the previous flooding during 1985 after the next doors became my neighbours. 1985 means 1+9+8+5=23.

Read for their female terrorists reversal of the holy lifestyle of King David concubines on 2Samuel 20 vs. 2+3. The terrorists daily have their vile occultic fornications and public obscenities.

Monday, August 1, 2011

BBB Food Part II and terrorism code again

Wishing you all, 1 million of readers, a Happy and Prosperous time during this Augustus month. We at St Vincent de Paul Society Opp. shops place our iconic Sovereign of our Beloved Lord Jesus Christ on the top shelf and His Holy Mother St. Mary with other Christian disciple(s) along His portrait which is inspired by the painter. There are iconoclasts who are Christians fighting the worshipping of any images of such portrayal of our Deity who is the only God made Man for our Second and Final Covenant with the Lord God Almighty. We are called iconodules who are nodes of the Tap Root who is our Savior Lord Jesus Christ.

What a terrible day for me and others of my neighbourhood today. The first of August,2011 that may be the last one if some rich men have their say proven true, has all the nasties of the neighbourhood, who have been mentally ill for decades fleeing their unpaid dwellings/wards to attack me and my friends. They have megalomias and superior egos like Adolf Hitler. They throw scabs and dusts of leprosy at their neighbours while announcing that they are princesses and princes. They can remember you and track you down for the past ten years or so. Extortions are always thrown at you especially when they cannot pay for their purchases or entries into charging premises.

Apocalyspe year 2011 and bombing in Mumbai and Oslo according to terrorism code BBB again are contained in Bible Reading of Proverbs 18 vs. 21(777) "Death and Life are in the power of the tonque, And those who love it will eat its fruit"

Of course to me, Mumbai is a trading and centre of handling money. Oslo too will be chosen to be a world trade centre because she is peaceful. I quote the terrorists using the Bible reading of God's punishment on them to be Zephaniah 1 vs 9 + 11.

Vs 9 "In the same day, I will punish, All those who leapover the threshold, who fill their masters' houses with violence and deceit."

Vs.11 "Wail, you inhabitants of Maktesh! For all the merchant people are cut down; All those who handle money are cut off."

Maktesh = Molech = Malcham = Dial "M" for "Cannibals on Children being sacrified" Murder.

Now to BBB code of discounted nutritious food around my neighbourhood: Rival of the Emir who is giving these donations mentioned last month for the reason that the Emir has been repeatedly chewn on by cannibalistic intruders to the grand International Racecourse of Flemington, Melbourne, is Prince MatchaBelli, translated from Latin to be Match my one Belly. He gives pure beef that is deep freezed to get rid of blood and the price is offered at $5Aus per lb and sometimes $5 per kg. This is Israelite beef outside of Israel. Just freeze the meat and then drain off any remaining blood inside the meat on defreezing. Prince MatchaBelli also provides discounted BarBeque of Bird, Beef and Fish with chips. The lettuces of the salad sold are of 3 types with the names like Butternut and Bib.

Finally, I comment on the Blessings of King David and King Solomon who is my ancestor because their sins are forgiven by the Loving Triune GodHead. King David and his army were facing starvations due to lack of food, since the prophet Samuel died and recorded on 1 Samuel 25. The rest of the chapter gives evidences that good King David was prevented to kill men who refused to give his men food when the misers had plenty. The particular miser Nabal died when God Almighty told Nabal's wife, Abigail, to give the surplus foods of drinks, fruits and meat from livestocks to King David.
Therefore King David and his men lived on without becoming cannibals or having to kill for their food.

King David had had another blessing when Abigail became his wife. I refer to wise saying from King Solomon's Proverbs of 18 vs.22 "He who finds a wife, find a goodstuff, And obtains favor from the Lord."

King Solomon was forgiven for his many begetting goodstuffs. I being King Solomon's daughter wish you all again to have happy lives.

Friday, July 1, 2011

BBB code for our nutrition.

The pic above is Melbourne showground iconic Bovine Belisha Beacon but locals here have all been tortured from hurtling cars and out of the world Mercedeses when we tried to cross using this type of pedestrian crossing.

Secondly to broadcast is Borage of Blue-flowered hairy salads has led to generous donations by the rich Amir who owns Emirates planes of reduced prices of Biscuits of well known iconic Brands and many green leafy veggies. However, there are bored Broads in Black Burqas who have informed me that they will wield their briefcases at their intended foes. Black Burqas are for women to be stoned to death. Some bored females are wearing their burqas into food places reserved for all males who told me that they are all hiding in secret from women while eating in the local pubs and lunchrooms. The women then stripped to their stark nudes infront of all the male patrons of the food joints.

Announcing again that from July this month for the next 2 years, are statistics revelations that all rich North Americans have to leave Australia for Gold Coast first and then onto Guam,USA. Guam has been poisoned to develop fatal Alzheimers by the nazis after WWII by eating poisonous tree nuts.

On this impending evacuation, the local media has again pointed out that another cannibalistic tendency has developed among the local destitutes who are always here demonstrating the Lunar Park icon of human head with open mouth of full set of teeth.

Just this week, for comments on my blog post last month, young rich ladies who volunteer at my St Vincent's Society Shops are doing so because their toes and even private parts nubs have been nibbled on by crazy destitutes. I am the only one who reported such incidents and the police are coming in to catch them. A couple of police told me that they do get nabbed for the crimes but they go back to the same venues on released from jails.

Experiencing hardships in lives ideology is behind the orgies that are carried out in the neighbourhood.

Occults practice sexual crimes like these. Occults blasts rich financial cities areas. They never work for a living and they spend money on robbing young men and women by hynopses.

Good stuffs reading from the Holy Bible is from Proverbs 18 vs. 9-11.

Vs.9 "He who is slothful in his work, Is a brother to him who is a great destroyer."

Vs. 10 "The name of the LORD is a strong tower; The righteous run to it and are safe."

Vs.11 "The rich man's wealth is his strong city, And like a high wall to his own

Repeat this verse against the occult and cannibals: Proverbs 19 vs. 23 "The fear of the LORD leads to life, And he, who has it will abide in satisfaction. He will not be visited with evil."

Next post reading is from 1 Samuel 25 which explains that King David and his men had to kill people who refused to trade food with them because they would become cannibals without their nutritions. King David was delivered from sin of murdering for foods by the Good Lord God Almighty.

Be and To Be Stands for buxomy local Beryls. Wast is to be without waste or want.

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Happy chapter after God's Words.

Continuing my last report on the destitutes of St.Vincents' de Paul Society Opportunity Shops, I just managed last Saturday, to keep my promise to many others in the shops to oust the pagan destitute(s) from imposing on the wealth-exhibiting female volunteer(s) on Saturdays Opp Shops, his(their) sexual intimate relationship(s) for their wealth in life. For centuries, this awful crazy predatory crime has had occurred among the destitutes who wanted money to better their lives. Money has had been reported stolen on these Saturdays from the tills for a couple of years now.

In response to the wrongly predicted 'Apocalypse Day' to be on 21st.May, 2011, the Bible reading which I have for you is from the Book of St.John chapters 1 to 5. I quote according to the 'Apocalyptic' number that comes from the final verse of this Book i.e. 1John chapter 5 vs. 21 "Little children, keep yourselves from idols. Amen"

Christians are the little children, described on 1John2vs. 13 to be holy because we have known the Father, God Almighty and the only God of the whole universe.

Christian state authorities have labelled lusty and pornographies to be "adults only". We of the maturity type will not see such worldy lusts and evils because we are holy children of God Almighty. We also must have the time and health to do the will of God with Whom to abide forever. I refer to 1John2 vs. 17.

Rich old Jethro of Los Angeles, who proclaimed this global broadcast Apocalyptic Day to be 21st.May, 2011 has mistaken reading the Bible. He now predicts the Last Hour on earth will be 21st.October, 2011. My inklings accordingly to this code may be 20.11.2011. He must have predicted seeing my entire neighbourhood driving their cantankerous cars against the wants of new cars

Los Angeles, the City of Angels, has many unhealthy and unwholesome sexual practices of aids diseases, and trying out the sexual organs. Sexes with vampires are on there. God's Words to us on 1 John 2 vs. 18 tells us that the Last Hour is when the AntiChrist is coming, even now many antichrists have come by which we know that is the last hour. "Adults" shows and sexual organs play and exhibits are antichrists in action.

Coming to Melbourne, the nasties of the neighbourhood are criminals from their long starvations periods in their Victorian jails. Some of these criminals are in a large real estate company where every property owners who were their clients, have had taken their properties management from them. We amount to over 2 thousands in number and have been called liars.

The problem to unbelievers testifying in Christian courts is from 1 John Chapter 2 vs.22 "Who is a liar but he who denies that Jesus is the Christ? He is an antichrist who denies the Father and the Son."

I quote chapter 2 vs. 23 to be "Whoever denies the Son does not have the Father either, he who acknowledges the Son has the Father also."

We have 3 names mentioned to be property managers of Stonnington suburbs but the newspapers have published their names to be criminals charged for attacking Victorian Civil Admin. Tribunal with murderous intents of machetes. I was the only one intervening when I came across the attacks while I was visiting the city to brush off the traumas of towers bombing in Melbourne and then later the twin Towers of NYC.

They gave me the torture and ruin when they took over the real estate who was the property managements agent of my 2 flats and became bankrupt due to lack of property management expertise. If these sort of thuggeries(&cannibalisms) happen often, we must believe the Saint John preaching to us on 1 John 3 vs. 9+11.

vs. 9 "Whoever has been born of God does not sin, for His Seed remains in him; and he cannot sin, because he has been born of God"

vs. 11 "For this is the message that you heard from the beginning, that we should love one and another."

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Happy lives with May Day drives

Mayest you be happy on earth with May Day drive to your eternal live. Have a pic of Mayhem instead because it is International Labour Day: All Gays during all Mays.

Just recently, there were 3 large garbage trolleys overflowing with thrown out items of cardboard boxes infront of the opp shop shown above with police cordoning tape that bans any entry while taking criminal evidences. This shop and others have had frequent robberies. One widely known cause of the robberies especially at low priced shops is due to the cash register tormenting the destitutes.

The trolleys are due to each destitute customer and donor having to bring in a donation looking parcel on each visit to the shop. The nasty aryan indos roots(airs) are watching everyone who enters the opp shops to obey their orders of giving a donation on each visit. I only manage to save a few blondes from the vicious attacks with very sharp carving knives from midgets of the a.i.r.

Secondly, our gays who are the recipients of the donated good stuffs, are buying the thrown out stuffs except for the cardboard packagings at a dollar each. The government has had banned all goods to be sold at the price of one dollar but they insisted to buy their essential stuffs at one dollar from the thrown out items bins that are placed at the back. This leads up to the government to fund a 2.5 billion dollars, reduced to 1.5 billion dollars with the Liberals, for an intensive research centre and clinic into mental illnesses.

I am happy to obtain a present of blue cotton jeans with 2% elastane for exercises and tough wear because I am the only one to observe Lent of not indulging in food. A nice Archbishop who is rightfully blonde for his grand orders has declared that Australians can eat their dinner fast before nightfall at Lent and when they are sick due to the pests of the Southern Hemisphere.

I am happy to be considered a super affiliate of internet marketing by locals and international high rollers especially at Crown casino that is the only entertainment centre of Melbourne. I have been recorded to have sold one million dollars shares via this blog Adsense for $80K gross commissions for 2 years in a row. My girlfriends are holding their breaths with all their fingers crossed for the third year of one million dollars share sale.

The figure should be 8+8+8 because the nazis/airs are being nasty again to pounce on the figure of 8+8 = 'H' & 'H'.

I can forgive the Middle East for grabbing and pulling at my clothings because I am a 888 representing the supreme sacrifice of my Lord Jesus Christ on the Golgotha/Calvary cross at Easter around 33 A.D. The good Lord Jesus Christ told his believers not to do so to the prophets of the Middle East but forgave those who have their happy faiths to be healed by grabbing at His hem.

Bible reading I have for Labourers globally today is from Matthew 11 vs. 25 to 30.
Exodus 20 tells us that God orders us to work 6 days with one day rest on the 7th.
Be a Christian follower for true rest on the Sabbath with faithful and true promise of vs. 28 "Come to Me, all you who labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. vs.29"Take my yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am gently and lowly in heart and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and My burden is light."

Continuation of Revelations rightly order reading is the good Lord Jesus Christ will be coming back soon of Rev.19 vs.9 is on "Blessed are those who are called to the marriage supper of the Lamb!"
vs. 11 says "Then I saw heaven opened, and behold, a white horse, And He who sat on him was called FAITHFULL AND TRUE, and in righteousness, He judges and make war."

I quote Matthew 24 vs. 6 for the signs of the End Times i.e. the Apocalypse i.e Revelations: "And you will hear of wars and rumours of wars; for all these things must come to pass, but the end is not yet."

I expect a war between poor Britain against rich Canada with the apocalyptic i.e every happenings will be in reverse or not the norm, ties of poor Spain. However, Spain will betray Britain because Spain has had always attacked Britain.

Finally, the bishop who was the marriage celebrant of the British royals on 29th.April, 2011 made the wrong marriage ritual because the Holy Spirit of The Lord Almighty cannot be and should not be given from him to human marriages. The Christian marriages services are always lectures/orders on the groom and bride to be Christian making their marriage vows to God. They are to honour and cherish each other bodies and souls for all their days on earth.

I am happy to find many Christian couples have kept their marriage vows.

Friday, April 1, 2011

Happy Christian Readings for April Fools' Day.

Last month of March 2011, there were widely reported global terrorisms to my personal knowledge: March 9th. 2011, I was informed by a blonde woman who is related to ASIO whose head is a Christian man, that since I was the one with my Korean friends who uncovered the next doors' terrorisms of bombing the seas off Sendai beach, planned since 2007-2008, the nuclear reactors have been shut down early on the day. The local terrorists and sponsors have been corresponding with a terror group in Sendai for a year until some of the next doors were arrested.

On Friday the 11th. 03+20=23(in reverse order) of 11thyear, the bomb into the seabed catapulted the potential next earthquake at Sendai which has an earthquake each jubilee year.

Just today, I was accosted again-today is my blogging day for one of my regular readers who works in 'Field Marshall's intervention' shopping strip-by the other adjacent next doors who was following me since yesterday. He is another naked psycho who has likely been paid to insult and threaten me. The police has just threatened them back and I think with my previous police training, that Blueys(respected hardworking local police) suspect the other remaining next doors to attack today.

Good Christian readings I have for April Fool's day are:
Ezra 1 vs. 9 to 11. The terrorists sponsors are after gold. "This is the number of them:30 gold platters, 1K silver platters, 29 knives,30 gold basins, 410 silver basins of a similar kind and 1K other articles. All the articles of gold and silver were 5,400. All these Sheshbazzar took with the captives who were brought from Babylon to Jerusalem" Sheshkabbab of skewered humans flesh for the cannibals in Babylon and nazis fevours.

Nehemiah 1 vs. 9 & 11. Prophet Nehemiah prayed to God, like we should today right away if you need to be a Godfearer, for Him to keep His promises of "but if you return to ME, and keep my commandments and do them, though some of you were cast out to the farthest part of the heavens, yet I will gather them from there, and bring them to the place which I have chosen as a dwelling for My Name."
On verse 11 Nehemiah prayed "O LORD, I pray, please let Your ear be attentive to
the prayer of Your servant, and to the prayer of Your servants who desire to fear Your Name, and let Your servant prosper this day, I pray, and grant him mercy in the sight of this man." This man was king Artaxerxes of Persia then.

Again the terrorists struck on cannibalistic code of BBB and on the 23rd of the month. BBB stands this time for Bus Bombing by a 3lb Bag at Jerusalem, preceded by a pipe bomb in February(febrile to favour humans meat since January celebrations) last.

They act unmercilessly for a second time since the fall of Jerusalem when they became soot according to Bible reading of Jeremiah 9 vs. 11 "I will make Jerusalem a heap of ruins and a den of jackals, I will make the cities of Judah desolate, without an inhabitant".

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Happy God's Words on number 63/6.3 reichter scale

Condolences and good farewell to all who suffered the terrible, yet another catastrophe around the world, in ChristChurch, New Zealand. We were all informed that there would be another earthquake since last December at ChristChurch and the predicted level is to be very severe at 6.3 reichter scale.

Many mondially people think that it is the end of world. Sweet Allen is bankrupt with Wall Street GFC and he appeared last night at the Oscars 83rd. Annual Academy Awards(AAA to cause the nasties round my neighbourhood to sponsor with their stolen money by hynopses on rejections to be film stars while they parade daily with heavily done up hairdos and makeup) to say it is not the end of the world because the fraudsters at financial world have not been arrested.

He is a longtime script writer of Hollywood and he has been cleared of California's inquiry over his involvement with suicidal friends(I have some suicidal friends showing blues constantly because I have had been a Hollywood script writer.) Cheers and Love to my grandpa in Hollywood, Mr Cyril Hume who is a script writer and may bail me out with my next sentence here: Do not come home Anne Hathaway and with her
mate in pink and in the reverse sex but opposite to her 3rd sex apparel and performance live to millions globally.

I use to wear her type of black and white trouser suit with diamonds in the evening when I was the manager, assistant to my demised but still bodily right financial boss,Mr Kerry Packer, at Crown Casino, Melbourne. I arranged some of the choreography at Crown Casino and majority of the crowd there wants to perform along with the star Mr Pokies.

The only secret besides myself having to attend to severe cases of damaged jaws among poker places at Crown casino i.e.Australia Day is Invasion Day, is the probable 'smoke without fire' story that Australian boyfriends who look like Anne Hathaway's boyfriend on stage last night have been doing anything to cheer up their girlfriends. They have been oral sexing and rubbing their faces into their girlfriends hind parts to lure the axises to put their money into Australia for these type of romances. I for the past 30 years or so have been trying to rehabitate such boyfriends along with normal boyfriends.

I think such boyfriends have been hynoptised like such incident happened to me on the second party outing about 30 years ago. Most of them have resorted to working in atomic blasts operations of the Pacific Isles with the result of development into hairy apes from the nuclear mishaps that had happen more than 2 decades ago. Are you in Australia richer than the rich Americans who are facing severe financial hardships? The rich Americans in Australia have to run away from NSW and Victoria still because the time recorded mondially for rich Americans to escape from the poor local terrorists after the warning bell from Pentagon is between 3 to 5 years from the potential holocaust announcement.

I face large bills of repairs at the present with the great possibility of increase of property assets like another inherited flat to rent out. However, on reaching July this year, there will be better financial situation for me along with the rest of America.

My God's Words reading for you comes with great meaning to be a Godfearer who is to obey the Sabbath. There are Psalms 63 vs9 to 11 and Isaiah 63 especially verse 17.

Psalms 63 vs 9 - I go to the justice court with this type of terrorisms around and against Semitic leaders running away since 585 BC. -
"But those who seek my life, to destroy it, Shall go into the lower parts of the earth. They shall fall by this word; They shall be a portion for jackals. But the king shall rejoice in God. Everyone who swears by Him shall glory. But the mouth of those who speak lies shall be stopped."

Isaiah 63 vs. 17 prays "O LORD, why have You make us stray from Your ways? And hardened our heart from Your fear? Return for Your servants' sake, The tribe of Your inheritance."

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Dial M for Cannibals Murders & Rightful Love to fight.

Have a picture of a flowering tea tree on my rear yard to be generous and do good especially for total summing of love. Love is actually give and take as well as per Romans 13 addressed to fully matured men and women of Love thy neighbor like yourself.
I read the Scriptures on the God's Words to us on His Final Commandment and Second Covenant to mean to be holy but to be caring for our own good and our neighbor.

Sigh the terrorists with their high and majestic headgears were back again to unit 4 of my block of villa units trying to sell to a couple of lunatics who claimed to desire to buy it because he saw them holding their skirts up for his viewings. Definitely lawless and nazis wear dung heaps on their hairs called 'conteh' meaning bad and false tea like today uncaught female terrorists.

If I am the target of the male customer venomous statement, and I always face such
abuses on my blogging day, then he could refer to firstly Julian Assange's orders to me online to marry him because he either does not want to marry anyone on the online dating program or nobody wants to marry him. His orders came about six months later from my starting of my own laptop during mid February, 2007, when he insisted me to put my profile on his dating program.

Secondly, this nut who likes to sport a cap with the color like my X'Mas ornament at one of my window, with the same type of antics by some other nuts including females who like to drive cars to match my colors of my apparel whenever I go out of my villa, is refering to the marriage demands of the unit 2 owners' boyfriends in USA on seeing me again on another social network. I am not a 'stickit' however, and many people used the term "get married to the pastor/chaplain" when they want to be involved in the Church. Melbourne has been inacurately broadcast to have only stickits who demand money for their explanations on the natural use of our sex organs to be in line of Christian preaching.

Now to the cannibals like those of unti 4 today, on Ezekiel chapter 11 vs. 7, God's Words to us are that the wicked authorities/counselors are behind the cannibalism of Jerusalem before the fall by Babylonians, "Therefore, thus says the Lord God; 'Your slain whom you have laid in its midst, they are the meat, and this city, is the cauldron; but I shall bring you out of its midst of it"

Just imagine reversing onto our fast convenience store 7 &11 which sells us our toothbrushes on public holidays plus other necessities like food and drinks when even the cash starved restaurants close. Most of all, Myer Melbourne who was selling food hampers for Christmas and chocolates gift hampers on Valentine Day was bombed by the next doors terrorists on 11.11.07 Hungry cannibals they are.

Just after the terrorists coming on 22nd.January for a real estate inspection party at the empty and ruined unit 4, there was a bombing at Moscow Airport named "Andreneau" (may be the new man/alien)on 23rd. January, 2010. Dial M for cannibal murders!

Judgment of God is just firstly on the nazis who were the wicked counselors of Old Jerusalem and secondly to come on their Doomsday on Revelations 18 vs. 9+11.
I quote here the first judgment who has love for us all, Ezekiel 7 vs 9+11:
vs9 "My eye will not spare, Nor will I have pity; I will repay you according to your ways,
And your abominations will be in your midst, Then you will know that I am the Lord who strikes. Terror from God on the nazis because:
"Violence has risen up into a midst of wickedness; None of them shall remain, None of their multitude, None of them; Nor shall there be wailing for them"

The Lord Almighty God promised His people even though rebellious on Ezekiel 11 vs.9 to 11, that He will deliver us from cannibalisms.


Saturday, January 22, 2011

Happy Australia Day to Godfearers.

I born of Eve and Adam am blogging today about happiness to all nations who fear God Almighty who is our only Creator and Giver of immortality. Today is the eve of the 10th.anniversary of the bombing of Melbourne Collins Street area on 23rd.January,2001 with the complete collapsed of the entire towers area on th 26th.January, 2001.

I was told to go there to pretend to shop at the posh Collins Street area because the 'refugees and other nasties' of my neighbourhood have been mousing around there. Code words were--the Australian Bookkeeping Authority/Association examination hall was located in the area and was the cause of the 'refugees and other nasties' evil intents.

Of course for my profit in life was to sit for the exams there and to pass. I did pass with the donations from my future bosses and friends, the Packers, of $1KAus per sitting and the fee was risen to $3K per each exam sitting and each repeat on failure(s) during the year of 2000.

My next doors which have been arrested and convicted for the above named infamous bombing sat for their accounting exams there and other accountancy boards exams and promptly failed all of them. This morning more of her kind of 'refugees and other
nasties' came to rent or buy the unit that is still barred by the government because of the lastest arrests in December, 2010.

I have a photo of the wattle tree that was planted by the next door terrorists sponsors on my small front patio and the body corporate manager has informed me that it will be removed shortly after mid-January, 2011 because he was informed by the police that they would be arrested on New Year eve. The terrorists sponsors were arrested on three Saturdays just after my photo of the wattle tree bending over my patio tops was taken.

The axis lease was rescinded several years ago by the nice Queen Elizabeth II whom we Australians salute on our Australian Day on the 26th.January, 2011. The axis which are behind the terrorisms are now the 'refugees and other nasties', certainly of my neighbourhood. I have had tried to welcome my nice and law-abiding neighbours like myself by giving them a present on settling in.

Quoting for the Holy God's Words to all mankin, Zechariah 2 vs 6 declaring the
future happiness of Zion and many nations "Up,up! Flee from the land of the north"

Secondly coming from the Second and Last Covenant of our Lord Jesus Christ's blood and flesh shed for us who believed in Him, from Zechariah chapter 9 vs. 11 "As for you also; Because of the blood of your covenant, I will set your prisoners free from the waterless pit."

says the Lord' "for I have spread you abroad like the four winds of heaven".

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Godfearers' best wishes on the Pentateuch.

Happy Christmas last 25th.December and throughout the New Year from 1st.Jan.2011 to all my readers.

Best Wishes for the rightful reading of 'Love and Obedience rewarded' on the 5th book of the Holy Pentateuch. I quote Deuteronmy 11.vs.1 "Therefore, you shall love the LORD Your GOD, and keep His charge, His statutes, His judgments and His commandments always."

However, the terrorists sponsors and creator of the awful bombings we have had including hydrogen peroxide mail bombs around the globe, evidently reversed the following verse for chapter 11 vs 12 to be 11+12 = 23 to bomb Allies countries of Britain, Sweden, Rome and Pakistan during last December. Deuteronmy 11.vs12 has the promise of 'a land for which the LORD your God cares,"the eyes of the LORD your God are always on it, from the beginning of the year to the very end of the year."'.

To continue my explanation of 9/11 code of terrorism by reversal of God's holy prophecy to us, I shall quote Revelation 17 vs 9 & 11 "Here is the mind which has wisdom: The 7 heads are 7 mountains on which the woman sits". & "And the beast that was, and is not, is himself also the eight, and is of the 7, and is going to perdition." This is similar to Deuteronmy chapters 7 vs. 9-11 and chapters 8 vs. 9-11.

I quote them now"Therefore, know that the LORD your God, He is God, the faithful God who keeps covenant and mercy for a 1K generations with those who love Him and keep His commandments" vs.10 tell us He will repays those who hate Him to their face. vs 11 says"Therefore, you shall keep the commandments, the statutes, and the judgements which I command you today, to observe them."
Chapter 8 vs.9-11 "a land in which you will eat bread without scarcity, in which you will lack nothing; when you have eaten and are full, then you shall bless the LORD your God for the good and which He has given you. Beware that you do not forget the Lord your God by not keeping His commandment, His judgments and His statutes which I command you today."

I confirm the arrests of the terrorists sponsors who practice pornographies, fornifications with didoes,animals genitals and mouths, and humans' mouths. The place next to me i.e unit 4 still has gasses pumping into it and oozing into mine through the floors and walls bottoms from the owners of unit 2. They are caught serial murderers using gasses on everyone around them.

Cheerios for my Year end Holidays! Will post again around the 26th.January, 2011 as long as I am not killed because I am rejuvenated now.
Note my possessions and my nation's Flag.