Announcement of the Royal Marine Top Admiral of Australia who has been since last year shelling out rapid ammunitions cannons at enemies coming into our shores: A Chinese top admiral whom I have met before, is seeking revenge on his cannibalistic capture by the West Pacific Islanders. Australia is Eastern part of the South Pacific Islands. My Godfather of my chaplaincy of the Royal Marines of Australia is the Top Admiral. He informed me that the Chinese Admiral was gambling very expensively and lost more heavy than any of the high rollers. Both of us think that the Chinese Admiral is now getting back his money by attacking the West Pacificians who are now very poor. This Chinese Admiral has shown us his fangs of his mouth for the revenge currently occuring near us.
We quote the Bible reading of Proverbs 30 vs.11 "There is a generation whose teeth are like swords, And whose fangs are like knives, To devour the poor from off the earth, And the needy from among men."
Psalms to Praise God rightly. Psalms 9 vs. 11 started off the BBB code of the terrorists/a.i.r/nazis because they prayed to the devil called Baalzebub with 3B's which cause them to be super egoists like adolf hitler who ranked himself equal with God Almighty who alone dwells as King of Beulah/Zion after the final coming of the Lord Jesus Christ who is the only Son of God and the Messiah.
"Sing praises to the LORD who dwells in Zion! Declare His deeds among the people."
The nazis/terrorists are cannibals instead in accordance to Psalm 14 vs 4 "Have all the workers of iniquity no knowledge, Who eat up my people as they eat bread, And do not call on the LORD?"
The next door to me are now facing the death penalty for sponsoring terrorisms. I saw them handing thousands of dollars in cash and cheque to the other next door to be terrorists. The remaining next door who took the money are being captured by the police and they just attacked me with the garbages again. I quote for our Godfearing knowledge to not to be like them.
Romans 6 vs. 23 "For the wages of sin is death, But the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our LORD."
Read on 4 Romans vs 9 + 11 For the Blessedness of Abraham, King David and all who believe in God Almighty that is faith while still uncircumcised. The sign of circumcision is a seal of the righteousness of the faith which Abraham had while still uncircumcised.
James for Jemmies Merlinos who is the relative of the next door terrorists sponsors has been suspended again for he repeatedly offensively screamed during State Parliament of Victoria sessions. His balding head and name indicate the cutting off heads and limbs locally. The name means deadly assaults and a sheep's head as food.
2 Romans vs. 23 " You who make your boast in the law, do you dishonour God through breaking the law?"
The terrorists sponsors are mainly females around this neighbourhood. They used codes of BBB noted in Wall Street, Bull and Bear Boards of money that has been flooded again and this time is on 23rd. August, 2011. 2 + 3 = 5 that is a number revered by Philistines who are living also in Victorians hills on the outskirts of Melbourne which are notorious of their poverty. My friend Mr Jeremy Warner has the facts against the next doors for the previous flooding during 1985 after the next doors became my neighbours. 1985 means 1+9+8+5=23.
Read for their female terrorists reversal of the holy lifestyle of King David concubines on 2Samuel 20 vs. 2+3. The terrorists daily have their vile occultic fornications and public obscenities.
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