Have a picture of a flowering tea tree on my rear yard to be generous and do good especially for total summing of love. Love is actually give and take as well as per Romans 13 addressed to fully matured men and women of Love thy neighbor like yourself.
I read the Scriptures on the God's Words to us on His Final Commandment and Second Covenant to mean to be holy but to be caring for our own good and our neighbor.
Sigh the terrorists with their high and majestic headgears were back again to unit 4 of my block of villa units trying to sell to a couple of lunatics who claimed to desire to buy it because he saw them holding their skirts up for his viewings. Definitely lawless and nazis wear dung heaps on their hairs called 'conteh' meaning bad and false tea like today uncaught female terrorists.
If I am the target of the male customer venomous statement, and I always face such
abuses on my blogging day, then he could refer to firstly Julian Assange's orders to me online to marry him because he either does not want to marry anyone on the online dating program or nobody wants to marry him. His orders came about six months later from my starting of my own laptop during mid February, 2007, when he insisted me to put my profile on his dating program.
Secondly, this nut who likes to sport a cap with the color like my X'Mas ornament at one of my window, with the same type of antics by some other nuts including females who like to drive cars to match my colors of my apparel whenever I go out of my villa, is refering to the marriage demands of the unit 2 owners' boyfriends in USA on seeing me again on another social network. I am not a 'stickit' however, and many people used the term "get married to the pastor/chaplain" when they want to be involved in the Church. Melbourne has been inacurately broadcast to have only stickits who demand money for their explanations on the natural use of our sex organs to be in line of Christian preaching.
Now to the cannibals like those of unti 4 today, on Ezekiel chapter 11 vs. 7, God's Words to us are that the wicked authorities/counselors are behind the cannibalism of Jerusalem before the fall by Babylonians, "Therefore, thus says the Lord God; 'Your slain whom you have laid in its midst, they are the meat, and this city, is the cauldron; but I shall bring you out of its midst of it"
Just imagine reversing onto our fast convenience store 7 &11 which sells us our toothbrushes on public holidays plus other necessities like food and drinks when even the cash starved restaurants close. Most of all, Myer Melbourne who was selling food hampers for Christmas and chocolates gift hampers on Valentine Day was bombed by the next doors terrorists on 11.11.07 Hungry cannibals they are.
Just after the terrorists coming on 22nd.January for a real estate inspection party at the empty and ruined unit 4, there was a bombing at Moscow Airport named "Andreneau" (may be the new man/alien)on 23rd. January, 2010. Dial M for cannibal murders!
Judgment of God is just firstly on the nazis who were the wicked counselors of Old Jerusalem and secondly to come on their Doomsday on Revelations 18 vs. 9+11.
I quote here the first judgment who has love for us all, Ezekiel 7 vs 9+11:
vs9 "My eye will not spare, Nor will I have pity; I will repay you according to your ways,
And your abominations will be in your midst, Then you will know that I am the Lord who strikes. Terror from God on the nazis because:
"Violence has risen up into a midst of wickedness; None of them shall remain, None of their multitude, None of them; Nor shall there be wailing for them"
The Lord Almighty God promised His people even though rebellious on Ezekiel 11 vs.9 to 11, that He will deliver us from cannibalisms.
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