Friday, November 1, 2013

Diate'ssaron of chapters 7 & 8 for our good stuffs and happy lives.

Here is a  pic for 365 days of Halloween good stuffs and eh? happy lives which are happening in Melbourne, Australia.  I have Queeny Charlotte of the Residential Tribunal Rules commanding me that she is definitely right to have my vacating tenant  to repair the premises with his/her own tradesmen. Others are to give out my private details and downgrading my repaired unit by praising others that I know are not good stuffs and happy lives except they are considered Halloween styles and unrepaired for lower rents.

The 5th of November, 2013 will be Melbourne Cup Day that is a public holiday and the whole of Australia will be enjoying themselves while it is only a state holiday. 5=2+3 and the address of this international racecourse, 448, is a target of local and international terrorists. Only God fearing jockeys there have had volunteered to fight against the KGB of communist Russia when 1000 of them came to conquer the neighbouring suburbs of Moonee Valley. They lost by a ratio of 1 invading soldier to 100 surburbians including normal but healthy grandmas.

The terrorists have reversed the Song of Deborah on Biblical Judges 5 vs 22(5+2+2=9)

Melbourne Cup to gambling Oriental grandmas too= "Then the horses' hooves pounded, The galloping, galloping of his steeds."

Judges 5 vs23=(5+2+3=10) "Curse Meroz, said the angel of the Lord, Curse its inhabitants bitterly, Because they did not come to the help of the Lord, To the help of the Lord against the mighty."

Judges 5 vs24(5+2+4=11) "Most blessed among women is Jael, The wife of Heber the Kenite; Blessed is she among women in tents."

The Oriental women who like to read the Bible consider glory is to plunge a knife, axe or chisel into the plunderer's/invader's head. They think they rule over me and my Malays who regard me as their princess. Dial M for murder for anyone called Me and Roz which is a Malay prefix on some of their names.

Many Malays want to be Christian Godfearers and we know that both Christian and Muslims though God fearers cannot have the Holy of Holiest Tabernacle of God Almighty. I who has a grandpa of the line of King David can and have gone to the holy mountain of God Almighty where the Tabernacle of God Almighty is placed.

My American Christian National Leaders who are my long time friends since my mothers' arms, have indicated to me that the diate'ssaron of chapters 7 and 8 of Psalms, Proverbs, Eccesiates and The Acts of the Apostles are for our informed good digestion besides our food and drinks that we need to have.

South Carolina, a female named state with no females currently, has again been sent secret nuclear bombs shipped on the 7th and 8th. October, 2013 since 2007.

The Old Testaments quotations of this 4 arrangements of Biblical books are about Wisdom which starts with prayers to God Almighty to deliver us from enemies.The Salvation of females is not to be a crafty harlot/adulteress/swingers and not to do any evil, is among this diate'ssaron infos.

I quote for your good digestion of Psalm7 vs 11 (7+1+1=9) "God is a just judge, And God is angry with the wicked everyday."

Psalm 7 vs. 13(7+1+3=11) "He also prepares for Himself instruments of death, He makes His arrows into fiery shaft."

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