Sunday, December 1, 2013

The Immanuel's Birth for good stuffs and happy lives.

At Christmas we Godfearers mondially praise God for the Birth of the Lord Jesus Christ who is the predicted Immanuel. Some of us locally and mondially believe that our Lord Jesus Christ the only Savior of mankind has always ensure our safety while facing insults, put downs and physical torture of being run down by refugees. For XMas reading on the prediction and salvation of the Second and Final Covenant is from Isaiah 7 to 9. Pray to the Lord Jesus Christ now to be our Everlasting Father.

 More on the Queeny Charlotte of the Residential Tenancy Tribunal Rules report that I made on my last post of 1st November, 2013 is that there is no aka of "Charlotte Tomlinson" allowed in Australia, in the form of property manageress profession. Other property owners and myself have been sent lying emails from this sort of unwanted applicant to the job of property management. Beware of possible trojans sent through the emails that may involve the rest of the company telecommunications which is under her attack too. Trojans and worms will spread to as much as 1 billion of computer users from any infected email. The worst effect comes from the computer shattering its fragile screen.

At Christmas Godfearers praise God for The Immanuel Born to Us . We believe in the angels proclaiming at the 1st Christmas that the Lord Jesus Christ is for "Glory to God in the highest, And on earth peace and goodwill toward men!" Bible reading comes from St. Luke 2 vs.14

The anti Christs, nazis probably, are reversing the Bible proclamations of the Promised Messiah, Born of the Holy Spirit in the womb of St. Mary, a virgin engaged to St. Joseph for our XMas celebrations forever.
Christians though broken - branded itchy sluts when we go to the opps shops - have the born Redeemer's mercy and physical safety to serve Him without fear. Second Bible reading comes from St. Luke Gospel chapter 1 vs 72 (7+2=9) and vs 74(7+4=11)

Third Reading is from the Magnificat giving the Song of St. Mary on St Luke 1 vs 45(4+5=9) and vs 47(4+7=11) for her mighty blessings to believe in God's Words  and her good stuffs and happy lives for rejoicing in God her Savior.

Friday, November 1, 2013

Diate'ssaron of chapters 7 & 8 for our good stuffs and happy lives.

Here is a  pic for 365 days of Halloween good stuffs and eh? happy lives which are happening in Melbourne, Australia.  I have Queeny Charlotte of the Residential Tribunal Rules commanding me that she is definitely right to have my vacating tenant  to repair the premises with his/her own tradesmen. Others are to give out my private details and downgrading my repaired unit by praising others that I know are not good stuffs and happy lives except they are considered Halloween styles and unrepaired for lower rents.

The 5th of November, 2013 will be Melbourne Cup Day that is a public holiday and the whole of Australia will be enjoying themselves while it is only a state holiday. 5=2+3 and the address of this international racecourse, 448, is a target of local and international terrorists. Only God fearing jockeys there have had volunteered to fight against the KGB of communist Russia when 1000 of them came to conquer the neighbouring suburbs of Moonee Valley. They lost by a ratio of 1 invading soldier to 100 surburbians including normal but healthy grandmas.

The terrorists have reversed the Song of Deborah on Biblical Judges 5 vs 22(5+2+2=9)

Melbourne Cup to gambling Oriental grandmas too= "Then the horses' hooves pounded, The galloping, galloping of his steeds."

Judges 5 vs23=(5+2+3=10) "Curse Meroz, said the angel of the Lord, Curse its inhabitants bitterly, Because they did not come to the help of the Lord, To the help of the Lord against the mighty."

Judges 5 vs24(5+2+4=11) "Most blessed among women is Jael, The wife of Heber the Kenite; Blessed is she among women in tents."

The Oriental women who like to read the Bible consider glory is to plunge a knife, axe or chisel into the plunderer's/invader's head. They think they rule over me and my Malays who regard me as their princess. Dial M for murder for anyone called Me and Roz which is a Malay prefix on some of their names.

Many Malays want to be Christian Godfearers and we know that both Christian and Muslims though God fearers cannot have the Holy of Holiest Tabernacle of God Almighty. I who has a grandpa of the line of King David can and have gone to the holy mountain of God Almighty where the Tabernacle of God Almighty is placed.

My American Christian National Leaders who are my long time friends since my mothers' arms, have indicated to me that the diate'ssaron of chapters 7 and 8 of Psalms, Proverbs, Eccesiates and The Acts of the Apostles are for our informed good digestion besides our food and drinks that we need to have.

South Carolina, a female named state with no females currently, has again been sent secret nuclear bombs shipped on the 7th and 8th. October, 2013 since 2007.

The Old Testaments quotations of this 4 arrangements of Biblical books are about Wisdom which starts with prayers to God Almighty to deliver us from enemies.The Salvation of females is not to be a crafty harlot/adulteress/swingers and not to do any evil, is among this diate'ssaron infos.

I quote for your good digestion of Psalm7 vs 11 (7+1+1=9) "God is a just judge, And God is angry with the wicked everyday."

Psalm 7 vs. 13(7+1+3=11) "He also prepares for Himself instruments of death, He makes His arrows into fiery shaft."

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

No good stuffs and happy lives on US shutdown.

Scary Halloween rhythmically thirteen today for shutdown of US government services and may be very bad times up to 2019. The Lord Almighty God of Universe and Earth has not blessed Barack Obama for praying to the statue of Abraham Lincoln and not taking heed that His people has to read God's Words and take heed of His Words and Commandments. I made a banner/graphic for all my readers's benefit of the meaning of National Christian Nation's festival of Halloween.

Proud and warmongers-my enemies by the thousands- do not meditate on the excellencies of the Word of God. Read Psalm 119. Cabbalas and terrorisms reversed this Bible chapter according to their code of 9/11.Al-Qaeda is forced on payments by sponsors to bomb because the madman A. Zawahiri had had his fingers chopped off for refusing to obey the sponsors. No money for us and money obtained by robberies and extortions to the terrorists sponsors as young as early teens are scary immediate futures.

Halloween warning:
Psalm 119 vs. 9 "How can a young man cleanse his way? By taking heed according to Your word."

vs11 'Your word I have hidden in my heart, That I might not sin against You."

Mercy from God is to love His name. on Psalm 119 vs. 132. We should pray to God "Look upon me and be merciful to me, As your custom is to toward those who love Your name."

Cleansing from sin is keeping the truth.

Another Bible reading is from John 16 vs 13 and vs 14(1+3+1+4=9) and vs.14 &15(1+4+1+5=11): "However, when the Spirit of truth, has come, He will guide you into all truth, for He will not speak on His own authority, but whatever He hears He will speak; and He will tell you things to come."
"He will glorify Me, for He will take of what is Mine and declare it to you. All things that the Father has are Mine. Therefore I said that He will take of Mine and declare it to you."

Be a Christian convert if you are not one right now. Your websites will be declared and operating well into infinity. King James Biblical authorities do not allow buying theological explanations of the Bible except to read for yourself with your commandment of the language of the Holy Bible e.g. English for the English.

Halloween city of Melbourne Australia has bad reading and usage of Biblical Proverbs 20 vs. 30 and Proverbs 20 vs. 9 and 11. The Captain Cook regime/junta has always cleanse the poor at the coin laundry with 24/7/365 virgils with bars and blows at bad fishes smelling slimy. These poor have to work to produce non organic full of antibiotics and  resultant  deadly wastes fishes for our consumptions.

Sunday, September 1, 2013

Good stuffs and happy lives on dads' Day.

White House Down,
Don the Ball Gown,
Happy Day to my dad,
Paying the bills we had,
All his savings in dimes,
Today is End of Times.

Daniel chapter 7 and 8 are now the prophecy happening todays. Vision of ram and goat on chapter 8 means the Media and Persian Kings have been spreading their Moslem faith on the Ten Commandments to be obeyed and now 666 the Asian goat is calling the pagans particulary the east besides the south and Middle East to invade Jerusalem and the Holy Temple of God Almighty with stopping the daily sacrifices to God alone.

BBB code of the 666 terrorisms comes from Godfearers of Beijing, Bangkok and Burma as a whole lot who are throwing down the idols on their land. The Boston Bombing is from an Oriental male's bribery and he frequents Crown Casino of Melbourne SouthBank. He is now weathy from extortioning Burberry Shop at Crown Casino. My boss Mr James Packer means well with moving the staff including myself to Sydney casino venues instead of Crown Casino because Sydney has better manning and luck of defending against nuclear bombs from the 666 axises.

I planned with approval from the glamorous rich of Melbourne to conduct evening/midnight balls at empty Crown casino venue. The poor can come at their own expenses of tailored or retail shops gowns. My $150 tailored midi summer dress was much admired by the Chinese business people of the rag trade. The tailoress sometimes sews in reverse but you can have your tailored gown at reasonable prices of $500 depending on the price of cloth and yardages used. The rich wears up to $40K evening gown.

Bible reading on this rich and poor today is from Proverbs 22 vs. 2 "The rich and the poor have this in common, The LORD is the Maker of them all."
vs.4 "By humility and fear of the LORD, Are riches and honour and life."

To refute the libel of the glutton shortie mentioned in my last post is on Proverbs 23 vs.4 to 6. The gluttons are mystic/occultic lore called cab-ba-las. They may be cunninglingual who has been warned by Christian rulers.

Proverbs 23 vs.4 (2+3+4=9) "Do not overwork to be rich, Because of your own understanding cease!
  "            23 vs.5(2+3+5=10)"Will you set your eyes on that which is not?" For riches certainly make themselves wings; They fly away like an eagle toward heaven."
Proverbs 23 vs.6(2+3+6=11) "Do not eat the bread of a miser, Nor desire his delicacies;"

The progeny of President George Washington and another friend who is the descendant of Founder of Independence of USA, President Benjamin Franklin both wishes me to fly with them on special pay to and fro my land of kith and kin. The Bible reading comes from Psalm 107 vs 41 "Yet He sets the poor on high, far from affliction, And made their families like a flock."

Thursday, August 1, 2013

Dial 911 for uprising Political Party.

100 upright males who are usually around San Francisco and my brothers/brethren, have had chosen me to run for Peace to be the excellent Party Policy for the Great Presidential Race. My known way of new party for President of USA is based on the desperate fight for Peace and Freedom at envisaged real failure to win the majority votes. We have caught the nazis led by their nymphomaniac females at Hollywood, Ca., Nevada who abandoned testing on the total count of 911 nuclear tests, and Melbourne with her threats of 911 bombing and cannibalisms.

Good News for all Godfearers is yet another Miracle from the Loving Triune God with the safe delivery of all my young Christian converts in nazis Germany on torpedoes strapped boards at New York Harbour during the last December 2012 post of mine. They were meant to be sacrificial kids for the Inauguration of Israel Commenmoration. 

San Franciscoans-Saints of Local White Fishes with Brakes and no Saint Franciscan as founder-101 of us found that there are no fit President left currently. We know that President Obama prays to the statue of Abraham Lincoln instead of the Almighty God of earth and the Universe, though he is the priest of Grace Church. We only have professional Catholic priests.

Bible Readings to take heed about this topic and crime scene embroiling cannibalisms in Melbourne and elsewhere wrapping around food marts are:

Hosea 4 vs. 4, 5 and 7 also 9-11 of the same chapter.

Matthew 4 vs.4

Hosea 4 vs.4 tells us that we are like those who contend with the priest(The Lord Jesus Christ is our only High Priest)  when we contend or reprove another.
chapter 4 vs 5 (4+5=9) Therefore you shall stumble upon in the day; The prophet also shall stumble with you in the night; And I will destroy your mother."
chapter 4 vs7(4+7=11) "The more they increased, The more they sinned against Me; I will change their glory into shame."

The Lord Jesus Christ saves our Christian mothers and we will not be destroyed by pursuing to be next President of USA because He is the Prince of Peace.

I am always scolded in the supermarts with the shorties saying "My slimmer's hope is symbolical of gastritis!" All Westerner males will not be mocked for diabetes, heart attacks, liver cirrhoses, etc. for their constant hunger pangs. The shorties always demand donations from me because I have skimpy meal purchases.

The Bible tells us that they are idolaters with illicit sex demands, gore, unfulfillments by extorting others to "Give". 

Hosea 4 vs 9 &11 "And it shall be: like people, like priest! So I will punish them for their ways, And reward them for their deeds. For they shall eat, but not have enough; They shall commit harlotry, but not increase; Because they have ceased obeying the LORD."
"Harlotry, wine and new wine enslave the heart."

Matthew 4 vs. 4 Jesus rebuked Satan when he tempted the Lord Jesus Christ to change stones to more food by saying "But He answered and said, "It is written, 'Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that, proceeds from the mouth of God."

Crime scene connected bylocal nasties: Boys who took blood money to destroy our brakes and brake lights are actively keeping us from buying food at the local marts. With broken brakes and not enough good stuffs and happy lives for many of us, cannibals with black thick haystack style hairs and sharp fangs/tush protuding sneak on us while fixing the broken car parts. Further, we will be attacked by Moslem Iraqi(s) who extort money for already existing towing arrangement and punch us on the face when we are exhausted with the threats to be killed for being Christians. Eye witnesses have been repeatedly hacked with wild abandonment of civilities  by the suspected cannibal(s).

Do not clean with any ado your car on Saturday. My young adult volunteer at the nearby St Vincent de Paul Opp. Shop testifies of  attacks while trying to brush debris off his car on anySaturday always, by such local nasties.

Monday, July 1, 2013

Month July for good stuffs and happy lives

God Almighty may bless Americans on 4th July because the National Faith/Belief is Christianity. It is 911 communications network to save US again today at a US school and many times ago.

 It is a 911 receiving and forwarding to the right authority/personnel to intervene for saving our hides e.g. 3 dozens shoved into a nazi mental hospital at a remote countryside of USA and experimented with poisons plus having homosexual intercourses on their hind ends while drugged or tied up on the hospital beds. I was the doctor who came to rescue them with much fighting the nazis when they came back to find the hospital locked. Two heroes also answered the 911 call and fought against 3 of them lying in neurotic stupor in the rear hut where the nazis forced homosexual acts on the patients, when I, a surgeon, came in with my ambulance and trailer in tow. The Gothic hospital is now in Ally possession lawfully.

God's Promise of Love to His people by treating Us like an apple to His Eye is given on Zechariah 2 vs. 9-11.

vs. 9 "For surely, I will shake My hand against them, and they shall become spoil for their servants. Then, you will know that the Lord of hosts has sent Me."

vs.11 "Many nations shall be joined to the Lord in that day, and they shall become My people. And I will dwell in your midst. Then you will know that the Lord of hosts has sent Me to you."

A mad Dutch woman who is provincial French, normal probably young French female are mad- made moi selle=>Madelaine/maid at my own saddle, asked me after confidently sending me of Batmania/Old Melbourne to fight axis sex maniacs/homosexuals who parachuted into our local parks, for the assurance of 'good stuffs and happy lives' Bible plan on salvation for the Gentiles.

Bible reading for this assurance of Gentiles salvation is the code of the Allies on Romans 11 vs. 11 King David prophecy is quoted on vs.9 where some Jews cannot see. read and hear the Gospels and they always have terrible foods to stop them from entering the Kingdom of God until the end of Times for the inclusion of the Gentiles who will be prosperous to make the Jews jealous for their conversion into Christians.

Another is Romans 3 vs 27(2+7=9) "Where is boasting then? By what law? Of work? No, but by the law of faith. vs. 29 (2+9=11) "Or is He the God of the Jews only? Is He not also the God of the Gentiles? Yes, of the Gentiles also.

I was saved that day on my mission to rescue many local men who were raped by the invading axis by the Promise quoted on Zechariah 2 vs.9-11. The good Lord Jesus Christ sent the local cats which I cared and played with to run about 0.25 to 0.5 km and attack my rapists. I am Dr Chris Lyme whose prayer was answered to enter the medical profession, when I discovered bugs on my pet cats to carry the master antioxidant, glutathione that cures mental diseases.

Saturday, June 1, 2013

Rid sins for good stuffs and happy lives.

Description of sin is found on St John chapter 16 verse 9-11.
The Lord Jesus Christ said-->
vs.9  'of sin, because they do not believe in Me; '
vs10  'of righteousness, because I go to My Father and you see Me no more;'
vs11 'of judgement, because the ruler of the world is judged.'

Also on verse 23 of the same chapter, a Christian needs to pray for their good stuffs and happy lives to God alone in the Lord Jesus Christ's name.

I have a pic to inform the current sinful acts of unlawful owners and their employees at Melbourne Crown Casino.  They have been acting their fantasies of playing golf on a buggy barging into banks of gambling tables and scraping luxurious carpets as lawn and sand. The bleached blonde female supervisor and Tamil Tigers who still run down people in Melbourne were apprehended only. These lunny acts along with planting heroin under the carpets,observable poisons and frauds of gambling have been proven.

I quote 1 Tim 5 vs 22(5+2+2=9) "Do not  lay hands on anyone hastily, nor share in other people's sins; keep yourself pure."
1 Tim 5 vs 24(5+2+4=11) "Some men's sins are clearly evident, preceding them to judgement, but those of some men follow later."

Many murders have occurred and still are using the number 23 besides 911. I found out while searching on the nuke situation, that Nevada has stopped nuclear testing at the amount of 911. Sore losers and not skilled gamblers are the terrorists. Good stuffs and happy lives on gambling lands are from listening and following good age old advice of developing skills and do not sin by not socialising with honest and respectable seniors.
 The number 23 to attack is against our Lord Jesus Christ who is foretold to be our Shepherd for our everlasting lives with good stuffs and happy lives on earth. 'Hebdomad' chapter of Daniel chapter 9 vs 27 stands mathematically to be 3 to the power of 2=9 and 3 to the power of 3 =27. This is a well known chapter which foretold of the Messiah coming for the New and FinalTestament of our Only God Almighty.

Sinful people are God's enemies. Psalm 21 vs 9-11 say so of sinful people.
verse 9 " You shall make them as a fiery oven in the time of Your anger; The Lord shall swallow them up in His wrath, And the fire shall devour them."
verse10 "Their offspring You shall destroy from the earth, and their descendants from among the sons of men."
verse 11 " For they intended evil against You. They devised a plot which they are not able to perform."

Furthermore on sin- Christians may fall into sin when tempted. A child of God or Christian does not sin means if we repent to Lord Jesus Christ as our Savior, He will renew our minds to walk away from sins such as temptations of the lust of the flesh.

Bible reading on such tempted sins is on Galatians chapter 6 vs 1-5. Only God can save our sins, however, Christians can save one another by restoring such a sinner in a spirit of gentleness with the proviso that we are not tempted too.

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

BBB code of terrorists used on Boston Boylston Bombing.

Happy Lives for Mothers' day on 12th May, 2013 are according to Biblical directions/reflections on St. Matthew Gospel of  chapter 12 verse 13. I thank my mothers(2) for all the lump sum of money to buy up assets and prefer good stuffs than low priced bad stuffs. I now report on the 'bums' whom I mention last blog post for rushing in  to prepare bombs  for their bread and butter where angels fear to tread :

The terrorists offered next door bimboes a broomstick,
The bimboes in my front, screamed  and they now kick,

Gays and Blondes have had 'Boylston' on their passports,
Bad Brunettes were crying for not being the chosen sorts,

Blood money used for planting bombs were their complain,
The ferocious Brunettes' attempts to go free were all in vain.

May Day Say on True Pay Way: Psalm 68 vs. 23 God has promised us that we(Godfearers) will trample on our enemies blood and our dogs will get their portion from the enemies.

Thank GOD for wages given when His Temple was built in 495 B.C. The information is given on Zechariah 8 vs 9-11.

Wisdom on wages is given by Proverbs 14 vs. 23 "In all labor there is profit, But idle chatter lead to poverty"

I have given both of my mothers their treats especially my destitute Christian mum treats like the pic above.
My sin of not treating my mothers is abolished because I am a God fearer and I quote Proverbs 16 vs 6 of "In mercy and truth, Atonement is provided for iniquity, And by the fear of the Lord, one departs from evil"

Love through faith brought by the Reign of Jesse's OffSpring on Isaiah 11 vs. 9
The Lord Jesus Christ  is the Rod broken and predicted on this passage plus all the Prophets of the Old Testament of the Holy Bible. The occult reversed this well known Bible prediction to bomb and contradict God's Words to us.
who lovingly, non sophistically, laid down His Life for His sheep, fought the authorities, made the wealthy, goodly San Hedrin to give up their glorious tombs, and was mocked by pagans, republicans and murderers for His capture.
He had 5K followers including His mother St Mary wailing at His crucifixion. These and the recently died saints who believed that the Lord Jesus Christ was the predicted Messiah were the saved one third of the inhabitants of Israel, the remnant of Israel. Some left Israel forever and were noted to be in France.
The correct Bible reading of the Promise is "They shall not hunt nor destroy in  all My holy mountain."

I have written about Biblical Genesis teaching for us to eat more veggies and fruits to replace the red meats that are proven to be bad for our hearts when taken in larger amounts than 200 gm per day. My website now for your good stuffs--  Click here for my website. 

Next post I will explain my clerical training to detect and solve sin. Bible readings to comfort Boston Boylston Bombing are St John 16 vs 9-11 and 1 Peter 5 vs 9-11.

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Adults acting like cattle, Kids and I at battles.

A respectable adult has advised, "Now is 'fin de siecle'"
It means many sex  orgies to public orgasms spectacle.
The translation of 'end of the century',
Is taken to mean of 'well into penury'.
The new Pope 'Francis' rings out the word 'bolos',
Fin de Siecle shows sexy intercourses with gigolos.

I repeat for you the advice of the local cashier,
Customer's relating make her groins mashier,
Customer's demand in total, for her services,
Is hope to take the Pope's ruling on crevices.
Bolos can mean love that binds,
But beware now, for our minds.

The way of life winds upward for the wise, That he may turn away from hell below.

Bible reading from Proverbs 15 vs 9-11 is about Heaven and Hell used by the occults/neo nazis without the fear of the Lord Almighty God. New Testament reading about Heaven and Hades is from Ephesians 5 vs. 13 (5+1+3=9)
vs. 13 But all things that are exposed are made manifest by the light, for whatever makes manifest is light,
Ephesians 5 vs.15 (5+1+5=11)
vs.15 See then that you walk circumspectly, not as fools but as wise.
Forgive when you are also sinful=Way to heaven instructions by the Good Lord Jesus Christ whose death on the Cross at Easter brings in the New and Final Testament with many miraculous rising from the graves of Himself in 3 days time and His dead saints who testified immediately of their risings from the dead.

Bible reading: St John 8 vs. 13 on forgiveness and Lord Jesus
Christ is the Light of the Life.

Friday, March 1, 2013

Terror code BBB from Bring Back Bonnie!

Benjamin, the Prime Minister of Israel, has kindly interceded for me who is kith and kin, to send a couple of madmen of 'Hamas' who do not understand the Ten Commandments of the Lord God Almighty by Moses on Mt Sinai. Reputation is better than gold. The PM of Israel has kindly explained Revelations chapter 3 vs.9-11 on the rewards on earth as in Heaven for the Christian Jews who are faithful to the Lord God Almighty.

The explanation on vs9 is that any synagogue who prays to the God Almighty alone and no other gods including idols that are all really man-made will have God's visitations in the form of dazzling bright light which contains a immensely Good and Extreme Being. Hamas groups do not have such bright lights from God Almighty and thus are not of good reputation. Of course we can be all mad Isrealites because Isrealites have medicines to cure madness for our good stuffs and happy lives. However, I saw a Hamas outside my villa and he was dressed appropriately, introduced himself audibly and truthfully but with swaying gait while standing on the curved body corporate path.

I quote Rev 3 vs 9  where God proclaims 'Indeed, I will make those of the synagogue of Satan, who say they are Jews and are not, but lie - indeed I will make them come and worship before your feet, and to know that I loved you.'

vs10 'Because you have kept My commands to persevere, I also will keep you from the hour of trial which shall come upon the whole world, to test those who dwell on the earth.'

vs11'Behold, I come quickly! Hold fast what you have, that no one may take your crown.'

Easter Eggs are Good Stuffs

Isaiah 14 on Babylonia Destruction for Wickedness and Excesses, is probably the explanation behind the Sandy Hook elementary school, Connecticut, USA
                                                          massacre on December 14, 2012.

The gunman is enacting the code of BBB from the Boggy Ballastic Burials to happen in the swampy lands of Sandy Hook. He is of the bloodline of the next door to me who is using her knacker of Slaughter of the Innocents stemming from King Herod for her Blue Babies Bizes. He was declared by the billionaire uncle of the mad next door bimboes, to watch for his bastard's, the gunboy, lifestyle on quick sandy land.

There is a nursery rhyme from Scotland:
My Bonny lies over the ocean,
=She lies like a mad crustacean.

My Bonny lies over the sea,
=B&B for Bums on villa Lea,

Please Bring Back Bonny to me!
=Slaughters Babies for her BBB.

I quote Isaiah 14 vs 9 'Hell from beneath is excited about you, To meet you at your coming; It stirs up the dead for you, All the chief ones of the earth; It has raised up from their thrones, All the kings of the nations.'

Vs 11'Your pomp is brought down to Sheol; And the sound of your stringed instruments, The maggot is spread under you, And worms cover you!'

Isaiah 14 vs 23 proclaims the Lord Almighty God's Decree that when the Lord defeats Jacob's enemies by showing His mercy, then the enemies will be wast for the porcupines and muddy swamps.

Beijing which serves the B&B billionaires has had faced great killer fogs like Britain in the 50's last year within a year of manufacturing of retail goods. Read Isaiah 14 for the fall of Babylon, the enemy of Jacob/Israel.

The Lord Jesus Christ, the promised Messiah, is our Shepherd then we shall have no want.  Psalm 23 is not for bombing code that is used  again on Hyderabad, India, just after 7pm their local time but it was the 23rd of February, 2013 for Australia and New Zealand. India is ahead by 5 hrs GMT to ANZ.

Friday, February 1, 2013

Happy Lives Hush, Tappy Secrets Tush.

Happy Lives on St.Valentine's Day the 14th. of this month. I have a sermon for you and thanks to my congregation who is the Royal Marines of Australia for it.

Wondering about the picture that I created for this year St Valentine's Day?  "Lee Ho Ma" means Do you have good stuffs? in Chinese. I am reporting on my distinguished cousin steming from my equally distinguished uncle, both having been the premiers of Singapore and of the surname of Lee. They both informed me that South East Asia wants revenge and on each otherof the adjoining land after  spiteful relationships. They have matey/mating on the high seas of the South Pacific for as long ships were created.

We can expect at any moment now and in the future, many missiles attacks on this region that may spread to the South Pacific including Northern Australia. The only true love to behold there on the 14th. February each year from now on is old couples' love e.g. my own dad and mother love of blue heaven prospects together. My premier cousin named 'mythical sky dragon' wants blue heaven to mean more babies than one.

Ten canons salute to my dad who ducked for the bewildering reason given like many of his type, was performed by the Royal Marines of Australia. They are always around this region with many complaints against the cannibals attacks around the West Coast of North America where they recently went to chase the villianous cannibals away. The bewildering reason to my dad who always had had rescued people especially damsels and their children, was that he caused me to be educated for the Christian Ministry.

Pardon me now but I have to tell you that I made a mistake by following the mass info on parricide is the probable cause behind the 9/11 twin towers attack in New York and 9/11 is a code of the terrorists. Ahithopel sex maniac plan for Absalom whose  grandfather, ex King Saul, wanted to kill King David for
disposing him, was not heeded but King David loyal servant, Hushai, plan of 2 Samuel 17 vs. 9/11 was followed by Absalom instead.  Now there is a group called 'Ahithopel' in Crown Casino, Melbourne since a few of years ago. I won the top international prize of the free XMas pokie tournament but Ahithopel is put up for the first contestant when my win was verified by 2 Chief of Police of Australia on 22.12.12.

Ahithopel group is dangerous meaning parricide on the established well mannered society. They chew  female breasts up to the nipples in public at the gaming places for instance. They enjoy doing so at young teenagers to very old women. The car called 'opel' does not go and costs a lot for a non operating engine. Opel means more sex mania for weak females ravaging when the doors cannot open.

About the number 23, 2+3=5, it again has been used for the killing code of the terrorists worldwide. Those who love germs leading to plagues are behind the adding of the Apocalypse chapters of the Holy Bible  Revelations from total chapters of 22 to 23. Plaques they love are from the Biblical Psalms 38 vs9-11.

vs.9 "Lord, all my desire is before You, And my sighing is not hidden from You."

vs.10"My heart pants, my strength fails me, As for the light of my eyes, it also has gone from me."

vs.11"My loved ones and my friends stand also aloof from my plague. And my kinsmen stand afar off."

The terrorists will be reversing the Bible verses like these quoted here again. They do not eat for they are madmen. Western marriages are in over consuming gluttony by the males with the wives/women tittering/tottering without high heels from malnutritions due to lack of food from the shared couple meals.
9/11 code of attack by the terrorists/nazis is also due to the statistics of 9K years B.C. and 2K years Anno Domno of over consuming eating by Western males on year 2001 AD.

Bible reading this month is from St Matthew 5(2+3=5) vs 27 (2+7=9) to vs. 29(2+9=11) The reading explains love is not lust especially by male looking a woman to lust for her. Even only 1 is married, it is adultery in the heart. The other factor of lust is dope to increase from low levels drops of dopamine.

Second Bible reading is from St Matthew 24 vs. 12 concerning the certainty of the End of the World when all love will grow cold due to unlawnesses abounding. The following verses of 13 and 14 tells us that Love endureth and you will be saved from the End of the World tribulations. Better between the couple on the flesh united for man and wife.

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Happy Lives on New Year

Happy Lives on New Year 2013 salute to my readers is a surprise,
"Good stuffs and happy lives" blog  quotes from an editor's demise:
True, there is a time for each & everything,
From comps coding to the heavenly string,
'There is a time for our love and hate,
For good stuffs there is a use by date'
Mind now we will not be staying up late,
Doc 356 cases and I last XMas had a 'loo-ee' on my slate,
This is a test for illegal  food  and  drink stuffs that one ate.
The test on me ended with a kiss, if you please,
But many femmes want sexy muss at the tease,

Southern Lands have their golden fruits ripes,
Bad reputations are off their slates for wipes.

Apocalypse in high amounts claimed recently and beware of Chinese female preaching in Beijing to be the Son of Man coming by calling herself to be Jesus. Bible reading for you here is on 2Corinthians 11 vs.1-4
You have to put up with her gospel and will not be Christian if you believe in her testimony.
Code of the terrorists here is 2+1+1+1+4=9 of the 11th chapter.

Galatians 1 vs 9-11 is about St Paul's curse on contradictory reports on the Gospel and there have been many false reports.

Revelations chapter 22 vs 18-19 warns of plaques added from those mentioned in the Bible and deletion from the Book of Life when any preaching of the End Times takes away from Revelations of the Holy Bible.

I will continue on my next post about the terrorists behind the primary school massacre on Dec14, 2012 to be after the Bible chapter of Isaiah 14.
 King looee resides there on such wast land with the shooting