Monday, March 1, 2010

Home-grown terrorisms on 9 & 11 Feb. 2009 & oddly evils.

Announcing that my predictions of my last blog post of recurring 9/11 , 2001 evils occured on 9th.and 11th Febuary, 2009:

Normally everyone in Melbourne city and the western suburbs surrounding Altona refinery with one very large hole after an observed loud explosion, erupted on a tall petroleum container on 9th. Febuary 2010 early morn, has had fallen ill from the gas fumes pervading into our homes.

On the 11th. Febuary, 2010, at 5.30pm precisely, Hell Angels of an Adelaide house exploded a Hyundai sedan with young males inside. The wooden fence attached to the side of the house is like this block with terrorists supporters(mainly females with backboneless males orally sucking them) and the hellish boy just appeared according to terrorists's orders behind the fence and detonated a petrol bomb inside the car parked infront of the fence.

My next door terrorists have had written to the body corporate manager that they are planning to bomb this block of villa units. Now I have an idea of how they will bomb this place. They are all a.i.r. aryan indo iranians and they are so superior that they refuse to pay maintenance charges of the body corporate. Just last Saturday, one of the wicked female terrorist stepped out of her car, parked just outside on my residence street, when I was just driving out, to frighten me and it is the umpteenth time. I survived their attacks because I am a trained army personnel. Police and other authorities have informed me and many others that they are home-grown terrorists but the magistrates have delayed in their arrests. One told me that he refuses to give them any money because there may be a hitch in the amount of prooves.

Wait for Lord Jesus Christ to split their hooves and they will devour themselves in their fervour. He is the only cure for our maladies and even bad gasses from their evil places will kill any humans.

Coming to the Apocalypse reading that the she-devils of the neighbourhoods are reversing and floating their ugly myopic address and scanty vestments are Revelations 4 vs 9/11 and 5vs. 9/11. Both chapters prophesy that 4 living creatures with many eyes = 4 angels = the angels of the universe plus 24 elders, all praising God who is the LORD JESUS CHRIST. eyes =omniscience and providence.

More evils in she-devils appeared on the second day of Chinese New Year at Crown Casino, likely aryan indo-china root, they spat at me and my sister via their male's face bouncing onto us. They are using Job17vs6: "I have become a byword = to rule over, among foreigners, and one face whose men to spit, since I am blind with grief and my members are reduced to a shadow. " Hebrew word for 'are reduced' = kalim. My surname is Lim and I am a baptised chaplin with Christian surname of Lime.

I became a Dr Lyme on receiving my acceptance into Medical profession of USA. Happy to be able to post a different template with authority form of USA for any law abidding orphans and strangers to be given 'Lyme' for their surnames.

Indo-Chinas are idolaters and their abominations are according to Hosea 8 vs.13 " For the sacrifices of My offerings,they sacrifice flesh and eat it." Some have been seen in orgies and when they produced foetuses, I myself saw them eating the foetuses and umblical cords of the foetuses. I quote Job 18 vs. 21 summing up idolaters on 1-20 " Such indeed is the fate of places where wickedness dwells the home of everyone who does not know God".
More on the cannibals: I quote Eccesiasticus 21 vs. 26 "The heart of fools is in the mouth but the mouth of the wise is in their heart."

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