Merry Christmas to all my viewers who accept my Christian messages. I do check on my Bible reading to quote on this blog and I like to quote my favourite passages which were in my past sermons. Thanks to all who accept my blog.
"Go eat your bread(and turkey last weekend) with joy, And drink your wine with a new heart,
For God has already accepted your works," From Eccesias. 9 vs. 7The passage continues with annointing our Godfearers' heads of hair with oil.
Second on rejoicing and eating food with good drinks are God's gift to us after making us fear Him for our salvations is on Biblical Eccesias. 3 vs. 12 " I know that there is nothing better for them than to rejoice, and to do good in their lives. Vs.13 says " and also that every man should eat and drink and enjoy the good of all his labor, it is a gift of God"
Sorry to my optins labelled with Afganistan address. Read your Bible to eat and drink with good joy instead. I found two even have online affiliated bizzes. Do optin again without putting in the wrong country names because we are told that all enemies to USA will be jumbled up until the receivers cannot read anything. Merry Christmas to my known Cretans who went back to enemy countries. You can eat fish and chips on Fridays with all good flavors of milkshakes! The Traffic Exchanges can be racists but we eat good food, drink nice drinks and celebrate with good happiness, being Godfearers! Good blessings on my Aussie friend who has left for Texas to be a traffic exchange owner who is now giving many bonuses from his big fortune. He is a Godfearer who melted a golden idol to sell or sold it right away after running away from wild idolaters in the remote.
The Christmas story is reported on St. Luke Gospel chapter 2 vs. 1 to 21(7+7+7). Verse 21 proclaims the circumcision of Lord Jesus Christ whose name of JESUS was given by an angel before He was conceived in the womb.
On the following verse 23 is a saying to ponder when it comes to the orgies of next doors that are arrested for nazisms-terrorisms. The biblical statement is that "Any male who opens the womb, is considered holy" The festival of Christmas is celebrated by a sacrifice of two turtledoves/a pair of pigeons plus five golden rings from the true love of our spouse. Consumers spending of buying presents to loved ones or deserving ones of good behavior, are on now.
Another fav quote is from Jeremiah 13 vs. 23 'Can the Ethiopian change his skin or the leopard its spots' The Ukrainain terrorist next door has not returned since the fourteen days from the recent Republican Presidential Election. The terrorists have to know this God given fact.
Bang goes again from next door and followed by five minutes later, usually when I am about to post this blog, a great burst of temper on the adjacent walls and their blasting on thick furnitures. I hate all these harrassment from them and they still think that I can be subjected to thier torture anytime, anyway, anyhow, any protests, and anywhere. That is heathenism.
I leave this post with the computer tip of what is called a 'bang'. Bang means also splat:#!
A 'bang' path is needed for perl scripts to run on personal computer. This 'bang' path will not work on a web host. Change this path before you upload the script to the host.
The #! line set to the actual Id path to the perl.exe program on the system is #!C:\perl\bin
The second usage of 'bang' is in the php function of a loop to be 'is not' in the second code line for 'is' conditional coding.
Example: comments_status) && ('open' == $post->$ping_status))} //Both Comments and Ping Open
(! ( 'open' == $post->comments_status) (&('open' == $post->ping-status))} //Only Ping is Open.
Revelatiions 17 vs. 11 speak about the beast 'is' and 'is not' coming out from the abyss(for a short while) and will go into perdition. The nazis could be like this beast which is also called 666 for errors prone. Revelations 13 vs. 18 talks about the value of the beast and anyone following the beast has its mark.
Sigh, php errors for editing is 666 editing value permision and I think I watched in horror over the changing of servers with different versions 5 versus 4 of php. Nero died in Ad54 and he is regarded as 666 to the guilty conscienced Romans then and still today.
Exclamation mark in the computer programing is only an typo character to use. The third use of this mark is in hidden comments that can be seen on the webfiles. Like In php coding this coding is used for execution commands. ->
Fourthly, the usage is for the first placement of the webpage and absolutely needed code of:
Finally I deplore Mumbai bombing last week on augustus day of November 2008. Another dial M for cannibalistic murders. The Indians are rich with computer knowledge and skill. Money is M letter.
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