Good greetings to my brethren who are Godfearers. I quote the definition of fear from the Biblical Wisdom Book chapter 17 vs. 12..."Fear, indeed, is nothing other than the failure of the aids effected by reason; the less you rely within yourself on these, it is more alarming not to know the cause of your suffering."
The next definition is from chapter 17 vs.9-11:
"Even when there was nothing frightful to scare them, the vermin creeping past and the hissing of reptiles filled them with panic; they died convulsed with fright, refusing even to look at empty air which cannot be eluded anyhow! Wickedness is confessedly very cowardly and it condemns itself; under the pressure of conscience the worse is assumed."
Read on the fate of the godless in Psalm 53 Vs 5 "They will be gripped with fear, just when there is no need for fear."
Further to my thesis that nazirites and posse are cannibals: Read on Psalm 53 vs 4 "Are they not aware, these evil doers? They are devouring my people? This is the bread they eat and they never call upon God."
To explain my previous retort on the 'nasties of the neighbourhood' experiences, Psalm 57 mentions of lions around my humble abode in a Melbourne city business district fringe suburb, that is traversed to and fro by a tramline number 57 aptly.
The lions are human cannibals on Psalm 57 vs.4 " I lie surrouded by lions greedy for human preys, their teeth are spears and arrows, their tongue a sharp sword." I also go to the city Cathedrals by the tramline as described Psalm 57 vs.9 "I will praise Thee among the people, Lord, I will make music for Thee among the nations." I sang and sometimes soley with the gift of God when there were Cathedrals in the city of Melbourne.
Read 1 Peter 5 " Keep sober and vigilant because your adversary, the devil which is on the prowl like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour".
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