Since this blog describes God fearers' health: the Happy Day is described on Old Testament Malachi 4 vs 2: On the Great Day of the Lord(& forevermore days) the proud/wicked will be like stubble burned in an oven, But to you who fear My Name, The SUN OF RIGHTEOSNESS shall arise with healing in His Wings and you shall go out and grow fat like stall-fed calves!
Again, on our 2nd. and final Testament on St Mathew's Gospel 13 vs. 43 for godfearers who are righteous and not wicked and proud: Then the righteous will shine forth as the sun in the kingdom of the Father. He who has ears to hear, let him hear!"
Meanwhile fat is called flesh not be be eaten or flayed from the bones that the rulers(nazirites) of Israel have been doing. Doctors are concerned with fat unremovable from depositing on liver & other vital organs and the fat should not be from overeating and overimbibing of alcohol.
Funny farm signs are on my affiliate of health products though for unpaid volunteers ruining the websites there.
Raving knowledgeably at the next suburban chemist of the detox and redox substances plus the latest aspirin for antibleending and pain of heart sufferers resulted an acknowledged affirmative to my job one day a week in the same chemist. Survived Eyetie that is why.
Read: Bible reading to save us and for our health "Jesus Christ is the LORD of the Sabbath" and "Jesus Christ is the Son of Man who is the Lord of the Sabbath" St Luke 6 vs.5 and St Matthew 12 vs. 8 Further is my point here about our necessary rest one day a week because of Sabbath reading: Jesus is the Son of Man given independently on another Scripture writer St. Mark 2.vs 23 to 28. Vs 28 says Sabbath is made for man and not man for Sabbath
JESUS CHRIST gives true rest and explained on St. Matthew chapter 11 25-30.
On 1st april, 2008 the local newspaper informs of the local terrorists, all involved in New York twin towers and others bombing, have been throwing beer cans homemade of explosives molotov cocktails at the local folks who oppose them, banged pregnant smallsize defenceless woman for her money bag and baby she is carrying and letter box bomb of teenage boy. These murders are according to code of BBB of the terrorists whom I overheard in Melbourne.
Also I witnessed as usual darklooking male and female throwing invisible razors that were collected by them after left in a pile at the supermarkets injury scenes, at the chicken truck driver to eat presumably and according to the testimony of the driver instead of the chickens on the way for our local takeaway delicious & prestigious meals.
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