Ecclesiastes 9 vs 11 explanation that time and chance happens to most of us who are strong like the horses pounding to the race battles. The following verse of 12 is "For man also does not know his time, Like fish taken in a cruel net, Like birds caught in a snare."
Evil times are snares to fall suddenly on them. ISIS are idolaters and the hynoptised/brainwashed terrorists have been bragging to quite a number on the streets and elsewhere that they are attacking Melbourne City Towers, Parliaments, the police and Melbourne race days. The idolaters are certainly foolish and sinful babblers who need to be charmed like the fakir at the cobras performances at the Gold Coast of Queensland.
Yesterday, the race at the most famous race of Melbourne, the Derby, was won by a Dutch who is definitely a Godfearer and therefore has his good stuffs and happy lives with his lucky win on horse numbered 13. Also yesterday, I was given an omega sign with a wood corer/turner on one of the balcony timber slats and it probably means a bomb especially an atomic bomb. I was staying away from the Derby because of the punishment on badly dressed local folks. I heard shouts from the Oriental staff at two very thin young males with big streaks of different blond locks. They were very concerned for me when I was watching them and others below the wooden slatted timber floored balcony. I saw them running away while defending themselves on my reappearance at the balcony by saying I was surrounded by nazis and other idolaters if they are caught for the omega signed hole.
Another quotation with the 9/11 code is from Ecclesiastes chapter 10 vs 8 (1+0+8=9) He who digs a pit will fall into it, And whoever breaks through a wall will be bitten by a serpent."
We on capturing the mental hospital would shoot and chop the nazis homosexuals off while we open one side gate to let in the runaways from the nazis researchers into their heads and hind ends. We kept the side gate opened since day 1 of locking up the hospital to stop the nazis from coming back, until all the runaways came back. The last group felt they would be charged for not enough of mental illnesses to justify their stay because they came back for
revenge on the nazis medicos who would organize very large attacks on our locked out hospital to them.
Ecclesiates 10 vs 19 (1+0+1+9=11) quotes "A feast is made for laughter, And wine makes merry, But money answers every thing."
Repent for all the good stuffs and happy lives given to all Godfearers.
Ecclesiates 11 vs. 9 quotes "Rejoice, O young man, in your youth, And let your heart cheer you in the days of your youth; Walk in the ways of your heart, And in the sight of your eyes; But know that for all these God will bring you into judgment."
The Good Lord Jesus Christ, the Word of God, gave me a few wins on the local gaming joints near the mental hospital under attack by the locked out nazis. The 3 dozens of mentally inmates on survival from the battles at the hospital against the nazis resident medicos, obtained jobs that pay me even with their delightful visits to me in Melbourne crown casino on its deprivation of the Packers/ ownership by nazis women and their gang.
With the wins then and there at the battles in this USA remote regional hospital, I could spend on the armouries in battle boots, looking like dressed up turtles, and other essential clothings for the coming winter for my barely in their teens muskateers who have only their bare essentials for their volunteering.
I was also approved by my male doctor and CEO of the hospital, nicknamed by some to be my mother abbess, that I was busy practising surgery and general medicine care at, to use quite unlimitlessly credit card purchases for all the mental hospital and its patients needs for the whole duration of the battle against the nazis who climbed into the attic and later through the cats' windows on the first floor. The funds was augmented by backbone benefits(bbb code) with its traditional formula of distribution of cash to the needy--given to me because I was once a protege of ex President J. F. Kennedy. Some proteges have to run the entire US Whitehouse organisation when the President and Vice President are not in Office.
We had good stuffs and happy lives while surviving in the remote hospital and waiting for the USA government/Pentagon to come to finish the siege and nazis massacres. Fortunately, we survived with a few guns,with doors and windows digitally locked, plus with a dozen of us at a time to be able to hunt and fish for our food stores. There were enough of meat and all foods were eaten for more replenishment when the mental patients recovered from their maladies. We also had an all American male who could barred and repaired all the steel joints of the doors, windows and gates with only an introductory lesson from a tradesman who came and left before evening with his gun.
I had to pick up a second trailer full and packed with food and medicines, hospital excellent grade of blankets, doonas, clothings, shoes, cooking pots and utensils etc. to equip a clean hospital with many patients and volunteers on the 3rd day of my attendance at the mental hospital. I could leave for this second trailer when two of my friends who are British Danes, came to help me and my red dogs' groups. They have had depression from the Danes'law of the 9 to ll century AD in Great Britain.
I recovered all that I ordered before I left for the mental hospital with my sister, my pet dogs and cats in a car driven and towing an ambulance and a trailer: 5 fully jammed packed cargos loads containers. I also went to the nearby shops and further out shopping mall strip next to the nearest train station to buy things for the hospitals provisions.
More God's blessings to inform you: I successfully carried in one ambulance 3 times with 3 patients each time to be air lifted to the intensive care of the nearest suitable hospital. The helicopter in waiting also gave me more good stuffs for our happy lives in the hospital. Each ambulance trip had 2 semi unconscious patients who only knew that we won the fight against the nazis tortures/murders at the hospital and 1 fully conscious patient but still needed medical help, who had to prop up his semi unconscious buddies from falling while the ambulance moved to unfrequented and unusual landing place of the helicopters.
While we were there, I could have another electrical generator and another water reservoir. When the government came, we left in a double decker bus that was excellently organised by the mentally ill who were on the full mend, for its safety and and our safety.
We all had had happy trips to the next few counties and then to Hollywood Hills, Hollywood Shopping strip, Universal Studios and Disneys' Land of California on our double decker bus and a few cars.During our trip to the theme parks, I had a good comment from the Intelligence officer at Universal Studios over the threats especially at the 'Red Sea parting of Israel's escape from the Pharoah' enactment/show sometime during 1990 when I was at Universal Studios. He thought that I showed God's Way for Godfearers to the misguided violent youths' scorns/condemnations, by appearing with my beloved victorious dirty dozens who are Godfearers since youths, later on the decade.