Billions and the Banquets at Bounds,
Basement car drivers in crazy rounds,
Show incompetent management of Bee hives,
Carpark Bombs are warned for our dear lives,
Billions $ produced per Budget less than fives,
Payments for wages and prizes are the strives.
The present and olden days terrorists are wicked fools to disobey God. Now they hate God Almighty to perform their occultic reversal of Bible and using the code of 9 and 11.
Bible reading comes from Leviticus 26 vs. 1-3 that gives us God's commandments to love Him and have no other gods like all those idols and engraved stones that some mankind have for their worships. Secondly,
We have to keep the Sabbaths. Thirdly, is the Blessing of our eternal lives with good stuffs and happy lives on earth if we walk in His statues and keep His commandments and perform them.
Alas, the terrorists use their codes based on these promises to be 2+6+1=9; 2+6+2=10 and 2+6+3=11.
Verse 8 of the same chapter was true for me, 1 sargent, his non army friend, and 2 grandmas at the last but not final mutiny of the Australian army during the 1980s. There we were,only 5, in an totally abandoned army camp. We incurred the mental ward at Avondale Heights to be our assistants even unto the actual battles. We then had an army of about 100 but we fought away the invading monstrous army in Melbourne which were probable in ten thousands.
Verse 8 promise "Five of you shall chase a 100, and a 100 of you shall put 10K to flight
If anyone like the terrorists choose to hate God then I quote the present day cannibalistic terrorists to have God's wrath of "You shall eat the flesh of your sons, and you shall eat the flesh of your daughters." Declared on verse 29.
Also on verse 38 "You shall perish among the nations, and the land of your enemies shall eat you up!"
The nazis with the stolen wealth from PBL of Australia for instance, informed me that they bribed the recent protestors at anything Jewish/Israelis like Melbourne chocolates shops. Also, the nazis are planning to kill beautiful facial textured young male Jews/Israelis for their occultic sacrifices of cannibalisms.
The terrorists are against intercessory prayers from Christians and Israelis. They even coded 9/11 to attack from Nehemiah, the prophet of God Almighty, who made intercessory prayers for all Godfearers on Nehemiah 1 vs 9 & 11.