Goodstuffs and happy lives with Christmas tree.
Right reading of God's Words to us at this seasonal post comes from Zechariah 9 vs. 9+11 This prophecy was fullfilled on the Birth of the Lord Jesus Christ. It foretold "Rejoice greatly, O daughter of Zion! Shout O daughter of Jerusalem! Behold, your King is coming to you; He is just and having salvation, Lowly and riding on a donkey. A colt, the foal of a donkey."
Remember 9 Hebrews vs.11, "But Christ came as High Priest of the good stuffs to come, with the greater and more perfect tabernacle, not made with hands, that is, not of this creation"
"So, we wil wait eagerly for Him who will appear a second time, apart from sin, for salvation." i.e. at the Apocalypse.
When we celebrate Christmas now, God's Words to us on Revelations 2 vs.27 and Psalm 2 vs.9 have been coded to be 2+2+7=11 and 2+9=11 also 2+7=9 both recurring. "He shall rule them with a rod of iron; As the potter's vessels shall be broken to pieces". The occults/terrorists abused themselves according to this goodstuffs readings.
I wish you who are Godfearers,a healthy Christmas 2011 . On Revelations 2 vs.20-22 talk about Jezebel and her worshippers/followers will be thrown into sickbeds. I am constantly lied to and spoken in reverse by many of the locals and public servants. They always act and speak in supercilious fashion. One of them even referenced my file to be 007/888 and with my lady luck fate, I have been requested from a nice sane hardworking lady to be my friend on social Twitter network.
3times a lady is not 3times Rev. 2.22 which is God's Wrath on those liars whether females or males.
Warning for all local, advised by Legal Aid Community Centre which allowed me in because I had had helped the poor people by defending them from assaults when I came across them--the ex Real Estate agent has been and just today again since closing time yesterday sent me a demanding file attachment that is likely in their past fashion to contain Trojans and Blackholes containing local pornos.
November 23rd, 2011, was an awful day imposed on me with an inadmissible lawsuit against me by the trades of the ex real estate agent and the real estate agent on the amended lawsuit for not paying the trades when it is lawfully required for any agent to pay their trades first. A nice Oriental male checked for me on the results of the Justice Department of Victoria court decision and was happy to declare to me that I won the case because they would not send any reconciled rental statement.
Every online income that I been reckoned to have had obtained has been libeled to be prostitutions. Next year, I shall go into Wisdom and Way for both rich and poor people. I conclude here that there are not many Christians here and around the Globe.
Save Santa for he is a Christian.