Wishing you all, 1 million of readers, a Happy and Prosperous time during this Augustus month. We at St Vincent de Paul Society Opp. shops place our iconic Sovereign of our Beloved Lord Jesus Christ on the top shelf and His Holy Mother St. Mary with other Christian disciple(s) along His portrait which is inspired by the painter. There are iconoclasts who are Christians fighting the worshipping of any images of such portrayal of our Deity who is the only God made Man for our Second and Final Covenant with the Lord God Almighty. We are called iconodules who are nodes of the Tap Root who is our Savior Lord Jesus Christ.
What a terrible day for me and others of my neighbourhood today. The first of August,2011 that may be the last one if some rich men have their say proven true, has all the nasties of the neighbourhood, who have been mentally ill for decades fleeing their unpaid dwellings/wards to attack me and my friends. They have megalomias and superior egos like Adolf Hitler. They throw scabs and dusts of leprosy at their neighbours while announcing that they are princesses and princes. They can remember you and track you down for the past ten years or so. Extortions are always thrown at you especially when they cannot pay for their purchases or entries into charging premises.
Apocalyspe year 2011 and bombing in Mumbai and Oslo according to terrorism code BBB again are contained in Bible Reading of Proverbs 18 vs. 21(777) "Death and Life are in the power of the tonque, And those who love it will eat its fruit"
Of course to me, Mumbai is a trading and centre of handling money. Oslo too will be chosen to be a world trade centre because she is peaceful. I quote the terrorists using the Bible reading of God's punishment on them to be Zephaniah 1 vs 9 + 11.
Vs 9 "In the same day, I will punish, All those who leapover the threshold, who fill their masters' houses with violence and deceit."
Vs.11 "Wail, you inhabitants of Maktesh! For all the merchant people are cut down; All those who handle money are cut off."
Maktesh = Molech = Malcham = Dial "M" for "Cannibals on Children being sacrified" Murder.
Now to BBB code of discounted nutritious food around my neighbourhood: Rival of the Emir who is giving these donations mentioned last month for the reason that the Emir has been repeatedly chewn on by cannibalistic intruders to the grand International Racecourse of Flemington, Melbourne, is Prince MatchaBelli, translated from Latin to be Match my one Belly. He gives pure beef that is deep freezed to get rid of blood and the price is offered at $5Aus per lb and sometimes $5 per kg. This is Israelite beef outside of Israel. Just freeze the meat and then drain off any remaining blood inside the meat on defreezing. Prince MatchaBelli also provides discounted BarBeque of Bird, Beef and Fish with chips. The lettuces of the salad sold are of 3 types with the names like Butternut and Bib.
Finally, I comment on the Blessings of King David and King Solomon who is my ancestor because their sins are forgiven by the Loving Triune GodHead. King David and his army were facing starvations due to lack of food, since the prophet Samuel died and recorded on 1 Samuel 25. The rest of the chapter gives evidences that good King David was prevented to kill men who refused to give his men food when the misers had plenty. The particular miser Nabal died when God Almighty told Nabal's wife, Abigail, to give the surplus foods of drinks, fruits and meat from livestocks to King David.
Therefore King David and his men lived on without becoming cannibals or having to kill for their food.
King David had had another blessing when Abigail became his wife. I refer to wise saying from King Solomon's Proverbs of 18 vs.22 "He who finds a wife, find a goodstuff, And obtains favor from the Lord."
King Solomon was forgiven for his many begetting goodstuffs. I being King Solomon's daughter wish you all again to have happy lives.