Mayest you be happy on earth with May Day drive to your eternal live. Have a pic of Mayhem instead because it is International Labour Day: All Gays during all Mays.
Just recently, there were 3 large garbage trolleys overflowing with thrown out items of cardboard boxes infront of the opp shop shown above with police cordoning tape that bans any entry while taking criminal evidences. This shop and others have had frequent robberies. One widely known cause of the robberies especially at low priced shops is due to the cash register tormenting the destitutes.
The trolleys are due to each destitute customer and donor having to bring in a donation looking parcel on each visit to the shop. The nasty aryan indos roots(airs) are watching everyone who enters the opp shops to obey their orders of giving a donation on each visit. I only manage to save a few blondes from the vicious attacks with very sharp carving knives from midgets of the a.i.r.
Secondly, our gays who are the recipients of the donated good stuffs, are buying the thrown out stuffs except for the cardboard packagings at a dollar each. The government has had banned all goods to be sold at the price of one dollar but they insisted to buy their essential stuffs at one dollar from the thrown out items bins that are placed at the back. This leads up to the government to fund a 2.5 billion dollars, reduced to 1.5 billion dollars with the Liberals, for an intensive research centre and clinic into mental illnesses.
I am happy to obtain a present of blue cotton jeans with 2% elastane for exercises and tough wear because I am the only one to observe Lent of not indulging in food. A nice Archbishop who is rightfully blonde for his grand orders has declared that Australians can eat their dinner fast before nightfall at Lent and when they are sick due to the pests of the Southern Hemisphere.
I am happy to be considered a super affiliate of internet marketing by locals and international high rollers especially at Crown casino that is the only entertainment centre of Melbourne. I have been recorded to have sold one million dollars shares via this blog Adsense for $80K gross commissions for 2 years in a row. My girlfriends are holding their breaths with all their fingers crossed for the third year of one million dollars share sale.
The figure should be 8+8+8 because the nazis/airs are being nasty again to pounce on the figure of 8+8 = 'H' & 'H'.
I can forgive the Middle East for grabbing and pulling at my clothings because I am a 888 representing the supreme sacrifice of my Lord Jesus Christ on the Golgotha/Calvary cross at Easter around 33 A.D. The good Lord Jesus Christ told his believers not to do so to the prophets of the Middle East but forgave those who have their happy faiths to be healed by grabbing at His hem.
Bible reading I have for Labourers globally today is from Matthew 11 vs. 25 to 30.
Exodus 20 tells us that God orders us to work 6 days with one day rest on the 7th.
Be a Christian follower for true rest on the Sabbath with faithful and true promise of vs. 28 "Come to Me, all you who labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. vs.29"Take my yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am gently and lowly in heart and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and My burden is light."
Continuation of Revelations rightly order reading is the good Lord Jesus Christ will be coming back soon of Rev.19 vs.9 is on "Blessed are those who are called to the marriage supper of the Lamb!"
vs. 11 says "Then I saw heaven opened, and behold, a white horse, And He who sat on him was called FAITHFULL AND TRUE, and in righteousness, He judges and make war."
I quote Matthew 24 vs. 6 for the signs of the End Times i.e. the Apocalypse i.e Revelations: "And you will hear of wars and rumours of wars; for all these things must come to pass, but the end is not yet."
I expect a war between poor Britain against rich Canada with the apocalyptic i.e every happenings will be in reverse or not the norm, ties of poor Spain. However, Spain will betray Britain because Spain has had always attacked Britain.
Finally, the bishop who was the marriage celebrant of the British royals on 29th.April, 2011 made the wrong marriage ritual because the Holy Spirit of The Lord Almighty cannot be and should not be given from him to human marriages. The Christian marriages services are always lectures/orders on the groom and bride to be Christian making their marriage vows to God. They are to honour and cherish each other bodies and souls for all their days on earth.
I am happy to find many Christian couples have kept their marriage vows.