I born of Eve and Adam am blogging today about happiness to all nations who fear God Almighty who is our only Creator and Giver of immortality. Today is the eve of the 10th.anniversary of the bombing of Melbourne Collins Street area on 23rd.January,2001 with the complete collapsed of the entire towers area on th 26th.January, 2001.
I was told to go there to pretend to shop at the posh Collins Street area because the 'refugees and other nasties' of my neighbourhood have been mousing around there. Code words were--the Australian Bookkeeping Authority/Association examination hall was located in the area and was the cause of the 'refugees and other nasties' evil intents.
Of course for my profit in life was to sit for the exams there and to pass. I did pass with the donations from my future bosses and friends, the Packers, of $1KAus per sitting and the fee was risen to $3K per each exam sitting and each repeat on failure(s) during the year of 2000.
My next doors which have been arrested and convicted for the above named infamous bombing sat for their accounting exams there and other accountancy boards exams and promptly failed all of them. This morning more of her kind of 'refugees and other
nasties' came to rent or buy the unit that is still barred by the government because of the lastest arrests in December, 2010.
I have a photo of the wattle tree that was planted by the next door terrorists sponsors on my small front patio and the body corporate manager has informed me that it will be removed shortly after mid-January, 2011 because he was informed by the police that they would be arrested on New Year eve. The terrorists sponsors were arrested on three Saturdays just after my photo of the wattle tree bending over my patio tops was taken.
The axis lease was rescinded several years ago by the nice Queen Elizabeth II whom we Australians salute on our Australian Day on the 26th.January, 2011. The axis which are behind the terrorisms are now the 'refugees and other nasties', certainly of my neighbourhood. I have had tried to welcome my nice and law-abiding neighbours like myself by giving them a present on settling in.
Quoting for the Holy God's Words to all mankin, Zechariah 2 vs 6 declaring the
future happiness of Zion and many nations "Up,up! Flee from the land of the north"
Secondly coming from the Second and Last Covenant of our Lord Jesus Christ's blood and flesh shed for us who believed in Him, from Zechariah chapter 9 vs. 11 "As for you also; Because of the blood of your covenant, I will set your prisoners free from the waterless pit."
says the Lord' "for I have spread you abroad like the four winds of heaven".