Friday, October 1, 2010

Healthy and Happy Lives of Godfearers

We need to be healthy to gain our happy lives which Godfearers are disposed to. A professor of a poorer state than Victoria, Australia declared last week that the poor needs to increase spending on healthy foods by 30% of their income and the rich on the other hand needs to spend only 9%. I estimate that the poor then needs to spend $3K per year more on healthy foods than their present food purchases. The rich needs 9% of
$40K = $3.6K per year. I am always buying foods that are indicated healthy and the good God has blessed me always to be above the poverty line. I am possibly spending the recommended increase of $1.96K for my category of income status.

Just this week, terror struck over the fresh and healthy to eat noodles served sometimes by chefs to be special offers, at my local shoppingtown food court. Three youths in the pinks of their age and wallet have repeated their extortions with abuses at people and noodles vendors for more noodles! It is widely perceived that the local(maybe hynoptised to be terrorists)terrorists swear abuses repeatedly/non stop at others. I recognised the trio to be extorting for the last ten years or so and always at the noodles bars. This time they were putting the blame on me and another slim but fit female sitting opposite me at a long table for advicing them to ask for more noodles from the vendor instead of giving them money for eating more noodles daily.

Eating fresh noodles with less cholesterol containing proteins,fats and good tasting greens are healthy food. Roughly speaking but not wrongly calculation of the
good food stuffs for every day of our lives should be 40-60% carbohydrates that noodles consist of, 10-20% for both protein and fats. If muscle building is required, you should increase your protein intake to 25-35% of your daily foods intake. Balanced diet instead of vegetarian or meat lovers is to be strictly on the guidelines for your healthy and to be happy lives.

Starvation diet for four days in a row will enable your fatty deposits of your body to be drawn on to be consumed instead of sugars and proteins. Insulin for sugars uptake and digestion is inhibited at low sugars level and insulin stops body fat from being utilised. However do eat and drink each diet day for effective fat removal and preservation of your muscles protein which is rather hard to build up for many people. Strokes come in from the large fatty stores turning into ketonic acids reaching the brain that can take in some ketones for nutrition but not in excess.
That explains the great anxiety over ph levels of our blood system which is slightly alkaline of 7.3 to 7.4 Fats turn into acids on breakdown or automated body cycles of energy production--Krebs cycle is the keyword.

Beware of terrorisms rife in Europe named to be Britain, France and Germany. The whole of September particularly on the 1st, 14th. and the 21st of September, 2010 have real terror strikes in France and in July this year a French national was killed by the terrorists in Africa. The level is severe and the Eiffel Tower was evacuated of 2K people there on the 14th. Bomb scares were on the 1st and the 21st of last month.

Dial M for terrorists Murder. I was personally informed that Marseilles is the next M for Murder like Mumbai bombing last year. Ahmed Siddique is the brother of my upline member of and 4% commissions of the ancillary He is the informer of the potential bombings of Europe and he is the qualified member of the same Hamburg mosque that houses the terrorists of 9/11 Twin Towers NYC 2001.

I have been spammed unfairly by the teams of and the support speaks in reverse to me. The owner who was a Man of the Year of US Enterprises told me in bubbles off the site that the whole of has been taken over by gangsters whom I may know to be locally nasties of the neighbourhood who even robbed the local discount food stores and shot conned patrons in their opportunity shops.

More to terrors of my neighbourhood, I was informed this week that the staff of Crown Casino are not paid for their labours by the nazis who stole from the real owner of PBL who was my employer to be the executive at Crown Casino. The host of the bingoes cherished me and other Christians to pray for him and the other unpaid staff in accordance of 2Thess3 vs.2 and 3 Last month my quotation was noticed on 2Thess3 vs.10 on working in order to allow for eating foods. He and the others are barely surviving on PBL forking out the casino foods for their vital daily nutrition needs. All of them are weak and a bit strange in the head from the lack of increase spending on the food and bills rolling in but to be delayed in their payments.

2Thess. chapter 3 vs. 2 and 3 are written by the holy apostle St.Paul to pray for him and the others in their missions vs 2 "that we may be delivered from unreasonable and wicked men; for not all have faith."
Vs 3 "But the Lord is faithful, who will establish you and guard you from the evil one."

The local terrorists attacked Christians going to and fro St.Paul's Cathedral who always closed on a small hint of violence. They appear to be the perilous times and perilous men mentioned in 2Timothy chapter3. Those who are not of the Christian faith are the wicked Apocalypse mankind. This is the one and only belief of US Pentagon.

The terrorists appear to be those mentioned in Revelations 13 vs.9&11 and Revelations 14 vs 9to11 The terrorists next doors and around the neighbourhood are nasty cannibals who violate God's commands to all mankind to rest one day a week and to take biannual holidays. Matzo holidays and Day of Atonement are for the Diasporas i.e. outside of Israel Jewish community but I am informed that Christmas holidays substitute for the Jewish Holidays for a person like me. However, Matzos and Day of Atomement are also vital for me according to my Jewish friends.

Rev.13 vs.9 "If anyone has an ear, let him hear."
vs.11 "Then I saw another beast coming up out of the earth, and he had 2 horns like a lamb and spoke like a dragon."

Rev. 14 vs. 9 "Then a third angel followed them, saying with a loud voice, 'If anyone worships the beast and his image and receives his mark on his forehead or on his hand
vs.10...they will be facing God's wrath by drinking the wine of full strength in His cup of indignation,
vs. 11 "And the smoke of their torment ascends forever and ever; and they have no rest day or night, who worship the beast and his image and whoever receives the mark of his name"