Nasties of my neighbourhood have again inflicted harm to people locally and abroad using BBB code for their cannibalistic whims. Last night again there was a 'Balcony Bottoming-out on Bald-heads Ball' on Halloween in Mildura that is based on British Bloody Blackguard who was murdered at Breakfast Brown food and drink. Definitely, dead author of Gothic Baloney and Baseball nephews is being commemorated for the last ten years with actual poisoning on my observations and other locals, of piles of infected electrical toasters and opened Bottle of Brown wine.
Another food in the cannibals minds have been on a Brave Boy Brewster whom I met before from the brawl between his mother and the cannibals of next unit to mine. The cannibals bragged to the mother and me that they would murder her despite her son's protection. They hired local boys(probably hynoptised) to burn by bonfire all over Michael who screamed with awful pain with the attack. The Brewsters live in Deerfield of Broward Beach and the murder for human meat occured on Oct.17, 2009 of Melbourne time.
I am fighting the nasties of my neighbourhood with Brawn and Brains of my Brothers who altogether are reckoned to come to a number totalling 100! Long live the Palm branches and Pomegranates salutable Queen who is against the Black-Hole Blondy Bumshell in India who fan their beastly bottoms for business bonuses. Recently and for the past decade or so, Queen Elizabeth the Second, has informed us that both Black and White Britishers have banned her royal majesty from hallowing the Sabbath. She does not like any fangs ballooning out of her lioness's jaws. The reason for not keeping Sabbath which is one day rest out of every seven days of the week is that her royal majesty and consort have to work all days of the week and weekends to produce money from tourisms.
Frightened now and your Halloween tricksters won over your body and mind? Read the Holy Bible's promises from God Almighty with power and glory, I assure you further on my next posts by deciphering Revelations particulary 9/11 and 23(chapter 15 ending on verse 8 i.e. 15+8=23), Psalm 91
Psalm 91 vs 9 proclaims "Because you have made the LORD, who is my refuge, Even the Most High your habitation,
vs 10 "No evil shall befall you, Nor any plaque come near your dwelling;
vs 11 "For He shall give His angels charge over you, To keep you all in your ways." Ways = body, mind and soul.
Second reading of wisdom giving Eccesiates chapter 9 vs. 11 "I returned and saw under the sun that -- The race is not to the swift, Nor the battle to the strong, Nor bread to the wise, Nor riches to men of understanding, Nor favor to men of skill, BUT TIME AND CHANCE happen to them all. Bet on Brave Bart's winning the Quinella at this year races if the Bookies allow.
Brows raised at my Benefactor Bob's Bonus to Bonnies and it is his usual generous Blessings.
The nazirites have been excluded from the general Jewish community and from the Pashcal Lamb Passover Feast of first born lamb per large consumption household and Unleavened Bread for seven days. They pretend to be Jews certainly at Apocalypse but they disobey God's rules of celebrating the Passover that was 30th September, last year and It would have been sometime last month. My Christian rabbi in Israel says prayers for me and my spouse. Kevin and I have given our money offerings to my rabbi previously for advice and his intercessionary prayers for all Jews are sinful.
Nazis are never forgiven however and they have always disobeyed the Passover feasts of Lamb and Unleaved Bread. Thus explains the BBB attacks last month.
Exodus 12 vs 9 instructs us "Do not eat it nor boiled well with water but roasted in fired--its head with its legs and its entrails."
vs 11 informs us further "And thus you shall eat it: without a belt on your waist, your sandals on your feet, and your staff in your hand. So you shall eat it in haste. It is the LORD's Passover."