Have a ten year Pogo.com Anniversary Award on 9/11 day yesterday. LA is LALALAND to celebrate the 8th. year of the WWIII blimps burgeoning into the big buildings containing World Welfare tradings.
Prayers are answered for my brothers who took me into the Space Travels of NASA during the late 60s to keep me safe from maniacs and criminals, when I stayed in my villa yesterday and today with gusty winds affecting lusty invaders to the other unit 2 where the longtime tenant Stevie Sanders is a ardent friend of mine who even followed me to Kuala Lumpur with rampant bigots who are allowed to work because they do not break the Ten Commandments. Most welcome this follower of mine.
My first cousin Sam Newman and many other cousins are always keeping watch over me, even at Apocalysp, to metaphor the situation. Looks like the Apocalysp yesterday when there was a bus crash with cars in Sydney and the name of the road refers to heathens' niche. 2 died and 41 injured seriously. I had had experienced terrorists sponsored bus crash when it was offered to Christians teenagers, right after my NASA space travels, at cheap prices for an outing to the National zoo. The driver was a very dark Indian and recently the t.v. reports on the indo-iranians are making a.i.r.(aryan indo race/regime) terrorisms globally and in India especially.
The ratty tortures include child pornography, violence and slave labour following their occult.
Second incident was by Aol.com reporting on black bear attack a man in his own first floor home when he investigated his 3 barking dogs warnings. The place is in Aspen, Colorado. It is the latest in a string of runins with bears in Aspen this summer. I survived with bears in another state during the American Civil war of the 20th Century during 1977 for 9 months duration. The tame bears have been moved to my uncle's big outdoor garden and park. He is the founder and editor of Women's Wear Daily of NYC and elsewhere.
My Bible readings to explain the loud bangs/bombs blasts of terrorists at twin towers NYC 9/11, sponsored by bitches who performed oral sexs in our beloved bars of beer and bonding befriending behavior are from Isaiah 6 vs.9&11
vs 9 "And He said,"Go, and tell the people: Keep on hearing, but do not understand; Keep on seeing, but do not perceive."
vs.11 'Then I said, "Lord, how long?" And He answered: Until the cities are laid waste, and without inhabitant, The houses are without a man, The land is utterly destroyed."'
The prophecy of Isaiah is fulfilled on St. Matthew's Gospel of the Final Testament by the Lord Jesus Christ, Chapter 13 vs. 9 & 11.
Vs 9 "He who has ears to hear, let him hear!
Vs 11 "Lord Jesus Christ answered His Disciples' questions of His parables teaching,'Beware it has been given to you to know the mysteries of the kingdom of Heaven but to them, it has not been given."
God is the only good Being, Be His followers, you will not have fear anymore.