Discover bathonian concept to sell,
The place is called rhymically "Bell"
Alas, the axis ukrainians frequenting turn it into "hell"
At breakfasts the wenches create pell-mell,
Cropped Etonian for my birthday wishes,
For my sis can offer me only no washing dishes,
But Bathonian platforms are upstairs,
While downstairs have bathos on chairs,
The servers refused you of coffee hot water,
In keeping with the racisms of their alt mater.
Next, will be to another newly Mlb. spa with Limousine ride,
I have had promised for being a local biz and tourist guide,
This situation of an axis invasion is turning the tide,
May God the Only Almighty be on my side,
For the axis hordes of terrorists refuse the Ten Commandments to abide!
Feeling Roman Catholic? I recommend you to see the latest Dan Brown's movie called
"Angels and Demons". I know a great deal of this Christian movie on the true story here
where the Vatican City was punished according to God Almighty's purposes of being punished
for doing good instead of evil. Reading for good is on 1Peter 3vs.17 The evil demons are headed by an axis kommandant from Dusselfdorf who kills even their own citizens because of megalomia and congenital defective
genes. The Vatican City was very kind and supportive to the anti-nuclear scientists who have
to produce the reversal of nuclear atomic bombs because 'elementary Dr Watson' even knows by
praying to the Lord Jesus Christ who is all wise, Ben Sira i.e the Son of Wisdom, that men are evil. When there is knowledge of atom bombs there must be reversal of bombs for our vital
Read Prophecy reading on Daniel 12 vs.3 "Those who are wise shall shine, Like the brightness
of the firmament, And those who turn many others to righteousness, Like the stars forever and
Daniel 7 vs. 14 Strike you lucky stars: For the Messiah Lord Jesus Christ description--
"Then to Him was given dominion, and glory and a kingdom, That all peoples, nations, and
languages should serve Him. His dominion is an ever lasting dominion, which shall not pass
away, And His kingdom the one, Which shall not be destroyed."
See you all very soon!