Have you been eating your Easter chocolates and sweet biscuits right after Lent? The Vatican allows us to eat our Easter chocolates and good stuffs with the exclusion of meat during the day.
After Easter, we read Psalms 22 vs. 23 here to ward off the evil reversal of the Biblical words by the terrorists and nazirites, "You who fear Him, praise Him!" and the visible truth of "The poor shall eat and be satisfied" on Psalms 22 vs.26.
Medics have always given sweets, in form of glucose to patients just after surgeries, to correct the imbalance of electrolytes of our extracellular and intracelluar fluid system. Both patients and fasting humans may have lack of potassium inside the cells with sodium and chloride swelling into our cells instead. The sweets will force back the ionic pump that balances the exchange of ions like sodium, potassium, bicarbonate, chloride and hydrogen inside and outside the cells, to the proper functioning. Medics have to do this despite a mild glycosuria i.e glucose detected in the urine due to a surplus not metabolised/burnt into body fuel for energy.
Are you having a tough time this recession that has been recently in April 2009, announced by the PM and the financial authorities? Blondes have been panicky in the opportunity shops and I came across an agreement from a blonde who thinks she is being wasted away financially and all the secondhand stuffs in the opp. shops are good stuffs for her solaces. She is happy to quote against her foes who are mainly brunettes with occasionally black irises detected for this quotation from St.Paul to the Galations/Gentiles who have to be gladiators who a living on Chapter 5 vs. 15 "But if you bite and devour one another, beware lest you be consumed by one another"
The preceding verse of vs.14 says"For all the law is fulfilled in one word, even in this:"You shall love your neighbour as yourself". Happy reading for your Labour day, 1st of May.
Shall I highlight the number 23 again? There was a bombing in Sydney, Australia on the 23rd.April, 2009 with razing down of 18 buildings. Melbourne was bombed before the twin towers in the year of 2001 and according to my memory when I and other officers dragged everyone out before the city buildings between the upper end of Collins and Bourke Streets were bombed, occurred on the 23rd January lasting to 26th. January, 2001.
The Lord told Jeremiah, His prophet of warning to the wicked leaders of Israel and Judah, for 23 years, on Jeremiah Chapter 19 vs. 9 "And I will cause them to eat the flesh of their sons and the flesh of their daughters and everyone shall eat the flesh of his friend in the seige and in the desperation with their enemies and those who seek their lives shall drive them to despair."
Chapter 14 verse 11. The word of the LORD came to Jeremiah condemning the droughts in the fall of Jerusalem, between the 9th. and 11th. year reigned of the evil king Zedekiah, telling Jeremiah "Do not pray for this people, for their good".
Found on Jeremiah chapter 7 vs. 23, The Lord God of Israel say"But this is what I command them saying,'Obey My Voice, and I will be your God, and you shall be My people'."
Praise God for His umpteenth Blessing of recurring 7times 7times 7times. Such found on Jeremiah Chapter 21(7times) vs. 14 "But I will punish you according to the fruit of your doings," says the LORD, "I will kindle a fire in its forest, And it shall devour all things around it". Black arm bands are in our recent bush fires and the nazis started the 20th.Century American Civil War of 1977 to 1978.
God Bless America recently with a reversal of atomic bombing from the axis countries. Thank the Lord for His great wisdom of reversing an atomic bomb along the West Coast of America with detection of migrating out of flu-like ailments from outdoor citizens. None the worse than this have been detected. California has plenty of bushfires with terrorists announcing 'Kill ' in a variety of incantations. Prohibited pornography online and on videos have been published with bragging of queues begging for a blasting of their brains proliferating by bums excremental deposits thrills.